Celebratio Mathematica

Emmy Noether

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Works connected to Walter Saxer

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E. No­eth­er: “Hy­per­kom­plexe Systeme in ihren Bez­iehun­gen zur kom­mut­at­iven Al­gebra und zur Zah­len­the­or­ie” [Hy­per­com­plex sys­tems in their re­la­tion­ship to com­mut­at­ive al­gebra and to num­ber the­ory], pp. 189–​194 in Ver­hand­lun­gen des In­ter­na­tionalen Math­em­atiker-Kon­gresses Zürich 1932 (Zürich, Septem­ber 4–12, 1932), vol. 1. Edi­ted by W. Sax­er. Orell Füss­li Ver­lag (Zürich), 1932. JFM 58.​0142.​02 incollection