Celebratio Mathematica

Richard Sheldon Palais

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R. S. Pal­ais: “A defin­i­tion of the ex­ter­i­or de­riv­at­ive in terms of Lie de­riv­at­ives,” Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 5 : 6 (1954), pp. 902–​908. MR 65996 Zbl 0057.​13301 article

R. S. Pal­ais: A glob­al for­mu­la­tion of the Lie the­ory of trans­form­a­tion groups. Ph.D. thesis, Har­vard Uni­versity, 1956. Ad­vised by A. M. Gleason and G. Mackey. Also pub­lished as Mem. Am. Math. Soc. 22 (1957). MR 2938771 phdthesis

R. S. Pal­ais: “On the dif­fer­en­ti­ab­il­ity of iso­met­ries,” Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 8 : 4 (1957), pp. 805–​807. MR 88000 Zbl 0084.​37405 article

A. M. Gleason and R. S. Pal­ais: “On a class of trans­form­a­tion groups,” Am. J. Math. 79 : 3 (July 1957), pp. 631–​648. MR 0089367 Zbl 0084.​03203 article

R. S. Pal­ais: “Im­bed­ding of com­pact, dif­fer­en­ti­able trans­form­a­tion groups in or­tho­gon­al rep­res­ent­a­tions,” J. Math. Mech. 6 : 4 (1957), pp. 673–​678. MR 92927 Zbl 0086.​02603 article

R. S. Pal­ais: “A glob­al for­mu­la­tion of the Lie the­ory of trans­form­a­tion groups,” Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 22 (1957), pp. iii+123. Re­pub­lic­a­tion of the au­thor’s 1956 PhD thes­is. MR 121424 Zbl 0178.​26502 article

R. S. Pal­ais: “Nat­ur­al op­er­a­tions on dif­fer­en­tial forms,” Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 92 : 1 (1959), pp. 125–​141. MR 116352 Zbl 0092.​30802 article

R. S. Pal­ais: “A cov­er­ing ho­mo­topy the­or­em and the clas­si­fic­a­tion of G-spaces,” Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 45 : 6 (June 1959), pp. 857–​859. MR 121799 Zbl 0105.​16901 article

R. S. Pal­ais: “Ex­tend­ing dif­feo­morph­isms,” Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 11 : 2 (1960), pp. 274–​277. MR 117741 Zbl 0095.​16502 article

R. S. Pal­ais and T. E. Stew­art: “De­form­a­tions of com­pact dif­fer­en­ti­able trans­form­a­tion groups,” Am. J. Math. 82 : 4 (October 1960), pp. 935–​937. MR 120652 Zbl 0106.​16401 article

R. S. Pal­ais: “Loc­al tri­vi­al­ity of the re­stric­tion map for em­bed­dings,” Com­ment. Math. Helv. 34 : 1 (December 1960), pp. 305–​312. MR 123338 Zbl 0207.​22501 article

W. Am­brose, R. S. Pal­ais, and I. M. Sing­er: “Sprays,” An. Acad. Brasil. Ci. 32 : 2 (June 1960), pp. 163–​178. MR 126234 Zbl 0097.​37904 article

R. S. Pal­ais: The clas­si­fic­a­tion of G-spaces. Mem­oirs of the Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety 36. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 1960. MR 177401 Zbl 0119.​38403 book

R. S. Pal­ais: “Slices and equivari­ant em­bed­dings,” Chapter 8, pp. 101–​116 in A. Borel, G. Bredon, E. E. Floyd, D. Mont­gomery, and R. Pal­ais: Sem­in­ar on trans­form­a­tion groups (Prin­ceton, NJ, 1958–1959). Edi­ted by A. Borel. An­nals of Math­em­at­ics Stud­ies 6. 1960. incollection

R. S. Pal­ais: “Log­ar­ith­mic­ally ex­act dif­fer­en­tial forms,” Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 12 : 1 (1961), pp. 50–​52. MR 123339 Zbl 0196.​38903 article

R. S. Pal­ais and T. E. Stew­art: “Tor­us bundles over a tor­us,” Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 12 : 1 (1961), pp. 26–​29. MR 123638 Zbl 0102.​38702 article

R. S. Pal­ais: “The co­homo­logy of Lie rings,” pp. 130–​137 in Dif­fer­en­tial geo­metry (Tuc­son, AZ, 18–19 Feb­ru­ary 1960). Edi­ted by C. B. Al­lendo­er­fer. Pro­ceed­ings of Sym­po­sia in Pure Math­em­at­ics 3. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 1961. MR 125867 Zbl 0126.​03404 incollection

R. S. Pal­ais: “On the ex­ist­ence of slices for ac­tions of non-com­pact Lie groups,” Ann. Math. (2) 73 : 2 (March 1961), pp. 295–​323. MR 126506 Zbl 0103.​01802 article

R. S. Pal­ais: “Equi­val­ence of nearby dif­fer­en­ti­able ac­tions of a com­pact group,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 67 : 4 (1961), pp. 362–​364. MR 130321 Zbl 0102.​38101 article

R. S. Pal­ais and T. E. Stew­art: “The co­homo­logy of dif­fer­en­ti­able trans­form­a­tion groups,” Am. J. Math. 83 : 4 (1961), pp. 623–​644. MR 140613 Zbl 0104.​17703 article

R. S. Pal­ais and R. W. Richard­son, Jr.: “Un­count­ably many in­equi­val­ent ana­lyt­ic ac­tions of a com­pact group on Rn,” Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 14 : 3 (June 1963), pp. 374–​377. MR 148796 Zbl 0121.​17904 article

R. S. Pal­ais: “Morse the­ory on Hil­bert man­i­folds,” To­po­logy 2 : 4 (May 1963), pp. 299–​340. MR 158410 Zbl 0122.​10702 article

R. S. Pal­ais and S. Smale: “A gen­er­al­ized Morse the­ory,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 70 : 1 (1964), pp. 165–​172. MR 158411 Zbl 0119.​09201 article

R. S. Pal­ais: “On the ho­mo­topy type of cer­tain groups of op­er­at­ors,” To­po­logy 3 : 3 (May 1965), pp. 271–​279. MR 175130 Zbl 0161.​34501 article

R. L. Adler and R. Pal­ais: “Homeo­morph­ic con­jugacy of auto­morph­isms on the tor­us,” Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 16 : 6 (1965), pp. 1222–​1225. MR 193181 Zbl 0229.​22013 article

Sem­in­ar on the Atiyah–Sing­er in­dex the­or­em. Edi­ted by R. S. Pal­ais. An­nals of Math­em­at­ics Stud­ies 57. Prin­ceton Uni­versity Press, 1965. With con­tri­bu­tions by M. F. Atiyah, A. Borel, E. E. Floyd, R. T. See­ley, W. Shih and R. So­lovay. This de­scribes the ori­gin­al proof of the in­dex the­or­em. (Atiyah and Sing­er nev­er pub­lished their ori­gin­al proof them­selves, but only im­proved ver­sions of it.). Rus­si­an trans­la­tion pub­lished as Sem­in­ar po teor­eme At’i–Zingera ob in­dekse (1970). See also a sim­il­arly-titled art­icle in Dif­fer­en­tial ana­lys­is (1964). MR 0198494 Zbl 1103.​58013 book

R. S. Pal­ais: “Ho­mo­topy the­ory of in­fin­ite di­men­sion­al man­i­folds,” To­po­logy 5 : 1 (March 1966), pp. 1–​16. MR 189028 Zbl 0138.​18302 article

R. S. Pal­ais: “Lusternik–Schnirelman the­ory on Banach man­i­folds,” To­po­logy 5 : 2 (1966), pp. 115–​132. MR 259955 Zbl 0143.​35203 article

R. S. Pal­ais: “The clas­si­fic­a­tion of real di­vi­sion al­geb­ras,” Am. Math. Monthly 75 : 4 (April 1968), pp. 366–​368. MR 228539 Zbl 0159.​04403 article

R. S. Pal­ais: Found­a­tions of glob­al non-lin­ear ana­lys­is. Math­em­at­ics Lec­ture Note Series 16. W. A. Ben­jamin (New York), 1968. MR 248880 Zbl 0164.​11102 book

R. S. Pal­ais: “The Morse lemma for Banach spaces,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 75 : 5 (1969), pp. 968–​971. MR 253378 Zbl 0191.​21704 article

R. S. Pal­ais: “When prop­er maps are closed,” Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 24 : 4 (April 1970), pp. 835–​836. MR 254818 Zbl 0189.​53202 article

R. S. Pal­ais: “Crit­ic­al point the­ory and the min­im­ax prin­ciple,” pp. 185–​212 in Glob­al ana­lys­is (Berke­ley, CA, 1–26 Ju­ly 1968). Edi­ted by S.-S. Chern and S. Smale. Pro­ceed­ings of Sym­po­sia in Pure Math­em­at­ics 15. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 1970. MR 264712 Zbl 0212.​28902 incollection

R. S. Pal­ais: “C1 ac­tions of com­pact Lie groups on com­pact man­i­folds are C1-equi­val­ent to C ac­tions,” Am. J. Math. 92 : 3 (July 1970), pp. 748–​760. MR 268912 Zbl 0203.​26203 article

R. S. Pal­ais: “Man­i­folds of sec­tions of fiber bundles and the cal­cu­lus of vari­ations,” pp. 195–​205 in Non­lin­ear func­tion­al ana­lys­is (Chica­go, 16–19 April 1968), Part 1. Edi­ted by F. K. Browder. Pro­ceed­ings of Sym­po­sia in Pure Math­em­at­ics 18. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 1970. MR 271973 Zbl 0235.​58008 incollection

Sem­in­ar po teor­eme At’i–Zingera ob in­dekse [Sem­in­ar on the Atiyah–Sing­er in­dex the­or­em]. Edi­ted by R. S. Pal­ais and A. S. Dyn­in. Mir (Mo­scow), 1970. Rus­si­an trans­la­tion of Sem­in­ar on the Atiyah–Sing­er in­dex the­or­em (1965). MR 0394769 book

R. S. Pal­ais: “Banach man­i­folds of fiber bundle sec­tions,” pp. 243–​249 in Act­es du Con­grès In­ter­na­tion­al des Mathématiciens [Pro­ceed­ings of the In­ter­na­tion­al Con­gress of Math­em­aticians] (Nice, France, 1–10 Septem­ber 1970), Tome 2. Gau­th­i­er-Vil­lars (Par­is), 1971. MR 448405 Zbl 0326.​58008 incollection

R. S. Pal­ais: Notes on the the­ory of char­ac­ter­ist­ics, 1971. Bran­de­is Uni­versity lec­ture notes. Zbl 0277.​58006 misc

R. S. Pal­ais: Equivari­ant, real al­geb­ra­ic dif­fer­en­tial to­po­logy, I: Smooth­ness cat­egor­ies and Nash man­i­folds, 1972. Bran­de­is Uni­versity lec­ture notes. Zbl 0281.​57015 misc

R. S. Pal­ais and C. L. Terng: “Nat­ur­al bundles have fi­nite or­der,” To­po­logy 16 : 3 (1977), pp. 271–​277. MR 467787 Zbl 0359.​58004 article

R. S. Pal­ais: “Some ana­logues of Har­togs’ the­or­em in an al­geb­ra­ic set­ting,” Am. J. Math. 100 : 2 (April 1978), pp. 387–​405. MR 480509 Zbl 0449.​14002 article

R. S. Pal­ais: “A to­po­lo­gic­al Gauss–Bon­net the­or­em,” J. Diff. Geom. 13 : 3 (1978), pp. 385–​398. MR 551567 Zbl 0436.​57006 article

R. S. Pal­ais: “The prin­ciple of sym­met­ric crit­ic­al­ity,” Comm. Math. Phys. 69 : 1 (October 1979), pp. 19–​30. MR 547524 Zbl 0417.​58007 article

R. S. Pal­ais: Real al­geb­ra­ic dif­fer­en­tial to­po­logy, Part 1. Math­em­at­ics Lec­ture Series 10. Pub­lish or Per­ish (Wilm­ing­ton, DE), 1981. MR 633063 Zbl 0477.​57002 book

R. S. Pal­ais: The geo­met­riz­a­tion of phys­ics, 1981. On­line PDF. Lec­ture notes from a course held June–Ju­ly 1981. misc

R. S. Pal­ais, A. Derdz­in­ski, and C.-L. Terng: “Warped products and Ein­stein man­i­folds and Hes­si­an PDE,” pp. 44–​47 in Pro­ceed­ings of dif­fer­en­tial geo­metry meet­ing, Münster (Münster, Ger­many, 1982). 1982. incollection

R. S. Pal­ais: “Ap­plic­a­tions of the sym­met­ric crit­ic­al­ity prin­ciple in math­em­at­ic­al phys­ics and dif­fer­en­tial geo­metry,” pp. 247–​301 in Pro­ceed­ings of the 1981 Shang­hai sym­posi­um on dif­fer­en­tial geo­metry and dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions (Shang­hai and He­fei, China, 20 Au­gust–13 Septem­ber 1981). Edi­ted by C. Gu. Sci­entif­ic Press (Beijing), 1984. MR 825280 Zbl 0792.​53079 incollection

W.-Y. Hsiang, R. S. Pal­ais, and C. L. Terng: “Geo­metry and to­po­logy of iso­pa­ra­met­ric sub­man­i­folds in Eu­c­lidean spaces,” Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 82 : 15 (August 1985), pp. 4863–​4865. MR 799109 Zbl 0573.​53033 article

R. S. Pal­ais and C.-L. Terng: “Re­duc­tion of vari­ables for min­im­al sub­man­i­folds,” Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 98 : 3 (November 1986), pp. 480–​484. MR 857946 Zbl 0627.​53050 article

R. S. Pal­ais and C.-L. Terng: “A gen­er­al the­ory of ca­non­ic­al forms,” Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 300 : 2 (1987), pp. 771–​789. MR 876478 Zbl 0652.​57023 article

R. S. Pal­ais and C.-L. Terng: “Geo­metry of ca­non­ic­al forms,” pp. 133–​151 in The leg­acy of Sonya Ko­va­levskaya (Cam­bridge, MA and Am­h­erst, MA, 25–28 Oc­to­ber 1985). Con­tem­por­ary Math­em­at­ics 64. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 1987. MR 881460 Zbl 0607.​57023 incollection

W.-Y. Hsiang, R. S. Pal­ais, and C.-L. Terng: “The to­po­logy of iso­pa­ra­met­ric sub­man­i­folds,” J. Diff. Geom. 27 : 3 (1988), pp. 423–​460. MR 940113 Zbl 0618.​57018 article

R. S. Pal­ais and C.-L. Terng: Crit­ic­al point the­ory and sub­man­i­fold geo­metry. Lec­ture Notes in Math­em­at­ics 1353. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 1988. MR 972503 Zbl 0658.​49001 book

M. W. Hirsch and R. S. Pal­ais: “Ed­it­ors’ re­marks: ‘Some ba­sic in­form­a­tion on in­form­a­tion-based com­plex­ity the­ory’ by B. N. Par­lett and ‘Per­spect­ives on in­form­a­tion-based com­plex­ity’ by J. F. Traub and H. Woźniakowski,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 26 : 1 (1992), pp. 1–​2. MR 1141473 article

incollection R. S. Pal­ais and C.-L. Terng: “The life and math­em­at­ics of Shi­ing Shen Chern,” pp. 18–​62 in S. S. Chern: A great geo­met­er of the twen­ti­eth cen­tury. Edi­ted by S.-T. Yau. Mono­graphs in geo­metry and to­po­logy. In­ter­na­tion­al Press (Hong Kong), 1992. MR 1201340

Glob­al ana­lys­is in mod­ern math­em­at­ics: Pro­ceed­ings of the sym­posi­um in hon­or of Richard Pal­ais’ six­tieth birth­day (Orono, ME, 8–10 Au­gust 1991 and Waltham, MA, 12 Au­gust 1992). Edi­ted by K. Uh­len­beck. Pub­lish or Per­ish (Hou­s­ton, TX), 1993. MR 1278744 Zbl 0920.​00058 book

R. Pal­ais: “In ap­pre­ci­ation: De­livered after the Chinese ban­quet at the Lo­tus Flower,” pp. xxi–​xxii in Glob­al ana­lys­is in mod­ern math­em­at­ics (Orono, ME, 8–10 Au­gust 1991 and Waltham, MA, 12 Au­gust 1992). Edi­ted by K. K. Uh­len­beck. Pub­lish or Per­ish (Hou­s­ton, TX), 1993. Pro­ceed­ings of a sym­posi­um in hon­or of Richard Pal­ais. MR 1278746 Zbl 0927.​01025 incollection

E. Heintze, R. Pal­ais, C.-L. Terng, and G. Thorbergs­son: “Hy­per­pol­ar ac­tions and k-flat ho­mo­gen­eous spaces,” J. Reine An­gew. Math. 1994 : 454 (1994), pp. 163–​179. MR 1288683 Zbl 0804.​53074 article

R. S. Pal­ais: “Sym­metry, crit­ic­al­ity, and con­di­tion C,” pp. 77–​98 in The Sophus Lie Me­mori­al Con­fer­ence (Oslo, 17–21 Au­gust 1992). Edi­ted by O. A. Laud­al and B. Jahren. Scand­inavi­an Uni­versity Press (Oslo), 1994. MR 1456460 incollection

E. Heintze, R. S. Pal­ais, C.-L. Terng, and G. Thorbergs­son: “Hy­per­pol­ar ac­tions on sym­met­ric spaces,” pp. 214–​245 in Geo­metry, to­po­logy, & phys­ics: For Raoul Bott (Cam­bridge, MA, 23–25 April 1993). Edi­ted by S.-T. Yau. Con­fer­ence Pro­ceed­ings and Lec­ture Notes in Geo­metry and To­po­logy 4. In­ter­na­tion­al Press (Cam­bridge, MA), 1995. Lec­tures of a con­fer­ence in hon­or of Raoul Bott’s 70th birth­day. MR 1358619 Zbl 0871.​57035 incollection

R. S. Pal­ais: “The sym­met­ries of solitons,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 34 : 4 (1997), pp. 339–​403. MR 1462745 Zbl 0886.​58040 article

R. S. Pal­ais: “The visu­al­iz­a­tion of math­em­at­ics: To­wards a math­em­at­ic­al ex­plor­at­or­i­um,” No­tices Am. Math. Soc. 46 : 6 (June/July 1999), pp. 647–​658. Ded­ic­ated to the memory of Al­fred Gray. MR 1691563 Zbl 1194.​00005 article

B. Pal­ais and R. Pal­ais: “Euler’s fixed point the­or­em: The ax­is of a ro­ta­tion,” J. Fixed Point The­ory Ap­pl. 2 : 2 (2007), pp. 215–​220. MR 2372984 Zbl 1140.​55001 article

R. S. Pal­ais: “A simple proof of the Banach con­trac­tion prin­ciple,” J. Fixed Point The­ory Ap­pl. 2 : 2 (December 2007), pp. 221–​223. MR 2372985 Zbl 1140.​55301 article

R. S. Pal­ais: “Lin­ear and non­lin­ear waves and solitons,” pp. 234–​239 in The Prin­ceton com­pan­ion to math­em­at­ics. Edi­ted by T. Gowers, J. Bar­row-Green, and I. Lead­er. Prin­ceton Uni­versity Press, 2008. incollection

R. S. Pal­ais and R. A. Pal­ais: Dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions, mech­an­ics, and com­pu­ta­tion. Stu­dent Math­em­at­ic­al Lib­rary 51. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 2009. MR 2567436 Zbl 1194.​34001 book

B. Pal­ais, R. Pal­ais, and S. Rodi: “A dis­or­i­ent­ing look at Euler’s the­or­em on the ax­is of a ro­ta­tion,” Am. Math. Mon. 116 : 10 (2009), pp. 892–​909. MR 2589219 Zbl 1229.​15028 article

B. Pal­ais and R. Pal­ais: “Chasles’ fixed point the­or­em for Eu­c­lidean mo­tions,” J. Fixed Point The­ory Ap­pl. 12 : 1–​2 (December 2012), pp. 27–​34. MR 3034850 Zbl 1266.​54093 article

R. S. Pal­ais: “A math­em­atician and an artist: The story of a col­lab­or­a­tion,” pp. 1–​9 in Math­em­at­ics and mod­ern art (Par­is, 19–22 Ju­ly 2010). Edi­ted by C. Bruter. Spring­er Pro­ceed­ings in Math­em­at­ics 18. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 2012. MR 3220154 incollection

R. S. Pal­ais: “The ini­tial value prob­lem for weakly non­lin­ear PDE,” J. Fixed Point The­ory Ap­pl. 16 : 1–​2 (December 2014), pp. 337–​349. MR 3346758 Zbl 1320.​35017 article