Celebratio Mathematica

Andrew A. Ranicki

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Works connected to Wolfgang Lück

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W. Lück and A. Ran­icki: Chain ho­mo­topy pro­jec­tions. Pre­print 73, Son­der­forschungs­bereich für Geo­met­rie und Ana­lys­is, Uni­versity of Göttin­gen, 1986. A ver­sion of this was pub­lished in J. Al­gebra 120:2 (1989). Zbl 0616.​57011 techreport

W. Lück and A. Ran­icki: “Sur­gery trans­fer,” pp. 167–​246 in Al­geb­ra­ic to­po­logy and trans­form­a­tion groups (Göttin­gen, Ger­many, 23–29 Au­gust 1987). Edi­ted by T. tom Dieck. Lec­ture Notes In Math­em­at­ics 1361. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 1988. MR 979509 Zbl 0677.​57012 incollection

W. Lück and A. Ran­icki: “Chain ho­mo­topy pro­jec­tions,” J. Al­gebra 120 : 2 (February 1989), pp. 361–​391. A pre­print ap­peared as Math­em­at­ica Göttin­gen­sis no. 73 (1986). MR 989903 Zbl 0671.​18005 article

W. Lück and A. Ran­icki: “Sur­gery ob­struc­tions of fibre bundles,” J. Pure Ap­pl. Al­gebra 81 : 2 (1992), pp. 139–​189. MR 1176019 Zbl 0755.​57013 article

A. Ran­icki: “Found­a­tions of al­geb­ra­ic sur­gery,” pp. 491–​514 in To­po­logy of high-di­men­sion­al man­i­folds (Trieste, Italy 21 May–8 June 2001). Edi­ted by F. T. Far­rell, L. Gött­sche, and W. Lück. ICTP Lec­ture Notes 9. The Ab­dus Salam In­ter­na­tion­al Centre for The­or­et­ic­al Phys­ics (Trieste), 2002. MR 1937022 Zbl 1063.​57027 ArXiv math/​0111315 incollection

A. Ran­icki: “The struc­ture set of an ar­bit­rary space, the al­geb­ra­ic sur­gery ex­act se­quence and the total sur­gery ob­struc­tion,” pp. 515–​538 in To­po­logy of high-di­men­sion­al man­i­folds (Trieste, Italy 21 May–8 June 2001). Edi­ted by F. T. Far­rell, L. Gött­sche, and W. Lück. ICTP Lec­ture Notes 9. The Ab­dus Salam In­ter­na­tion­al Centre for The­or­et­ic­al Phys­ics (Trieste, Italy), 2002. MR 1937023 Zbl 1069.​57019 ArXiv math/​0111316 incollection

A. Ran­icki: “Circle val­ued Morse the­ory and Novikov ho­mo­logy,” pp. 539–​569 in To­po­logy of high-di­men­sion­al man­i­folds (Trieste, Italy, 21 May–8 June 2001). Edi­ted by F. T. Far­rell, L. Gött­sche, and W. Lück. ICTP Lec­ture Notes 9. The Ab­dus Salam In­ter­na­tion­al Centre for The­or­et­ic­al Phys­ics (Trieste, Italy), 2002. MR 1937024 Zbl 1068.​57031 ArXiv math/​0111317 incollection

E. K. Ped­er­sen, F. Quinn, and A. Ran­icki: “Con­trolled sur­gery with trivi­al loc­al fun­da­ment­al groups,” pp. 421–​426 in High-di­men­sion­al man­i­fold to­po­logy (Trieste, Italy, 21 May–8 June 2001). Edi­ted by F. T. Far­rell and W. Lück. World Sci­entif­ic (River Edge, NJ), 2003. MR 2048731 Zbl 1050.​57025 ArXiv math/​0111269 incollection

A. Ran­icki: “Book re­view: M. Kreck and W. Lück, ‘The Novikov con­jec­ture, geo­metry and al­gebra’,” Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 42 : 1 (2010), pp. 181–​183. MR 2586978 article