Celebratio Mathematica

Andrew A. Ranicki

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Works connected to Michael S. Weiss

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A. Ran­icki and M. Weiss: Chain com­plexes and as­sembly. Pre­print 28, Son­der­forschungs­bereich für Geo­met­rie und Ana­lys­is, Uni­versity of Göttin­gen, 1987. A ver­sion of this was pub­lished in Math. Z. 204:2 (1990). Zbl 0616.​55016 techreport

A. Ran­icki and M. Weiss: “Chain com­plexes and as­sembly,” Math. Z. 204 : 2 (1990), pp. 157–​185. A pre­print ap­peared as Math­em­at­ica Göttin­gen­sis no. 28 (1987). MR 1055984 Zbl 0669.​55010 article

A. Ran­icki and M. Weiss: “On the con­struc­tion and to­po­lo­gic­al in­vari­ance of the Pontry­agin classes,” pp. 309–​343 in Al­geb­ra­ic and geo­met­ric to­po­logy, in hon­or of Bruce Wil­li­ams, published as Geom. Ded­icata 148. Issue edi­ted by B. Dwyer, J. Klein, and S. Wein­ber­ger. Spring­er Neth­er­lands (Dordrecht), 2010. MR 2721630 Zbl 1204.​57029 ArXiv 0901.​0819 incollection

A. Ran­icki and M. Weiss: “On the al­geb­ra­ic L-the­ory of Δ-sets,” pp. 423–​449 in Is­sue ded­ic­ated to F. Thomas Far­rell and Low­ell E. Jones, part 2, published as Pure Ap­pl. Math. Q. 8 : 2. Issue edi­ted by J. F. Dav­is, L. Ji, D. Juan-Pineda, J.-F. La­font, and S. Prassid­is. In­ter­na­tion­al Press (Somerville, MA), 2012. MR 2900173 Zbl 1256.​19004 ArXiv math/​0701833 incollection