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Works connected to Michael S. Weiss
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Chain complexes and assembly. Preprint 28, Sonderforschungsbereich für Geometrie und Analysis, University of Göttingen, 1987. A version of this was published in Math. Z. 204:2 (1990). Zbl 0616.55016 techreport
:Chain complexes and assembly,” Math. Z. 204 : 2 (1990), pp. 157–185. A preprint appeared as Mathematica Göttingensis no. 28 (1987). MR 1055984 Zbl 0669.55010 article
: “On the construction and topological invariance of the Pontryagin classes,” pp. 309–343 in Algebraic and geometric topology, in honor of Bruce Williams, published as Geom. Dedicata 148. Issue edited by B. Dwyer, J. Klein, and S. Weinberger. Springer Netherlands (Dordrecht), 2010. MR 2721630 Zbl 1204.57029 ArXiv 0901.0819 incollection
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On the algebraic