@incollection {key2222490m,
AUTHOR = {Mio, Washington and Ranicki, Andrew},
TITLE = {The quadratic form \$E_8\$ and exotic
homology manifolds},
BOOKTITLE = {Exotic homology manifolds: {P}roceedings
of the mini-workshop},
EDITOR = {Quinn, Frank and Ranicki, Andrew},
SERIES = {Geometry and Topology Monographs},
NUMBER = {9},
PUBLISHER = {Geometry \& Topology Publications},
ADDRESS = {Coventry, UK},
YEAR = {2006},
PAGES = {33--66},
DOI = {10.2140/gtm.2006.9.33},
URL = {https://msp.org/gtm/2006/09/gtm-2006-09-004p.pdf},
NOTE = {(Oberwolfach, Germany, 29 June--5 July
2003). Dedicated to John Bryant on his
60th birthday. ArXiv:math/0403261. MR:2222490.
ISSN = {1464-8989},