Celebratio Mathematica

Andrew A. Ranicki

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Works connected to Amnon Neeman

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A. Nee­man and A. Ran­icki: Non­com­mut­at­ive loc­al­iz­a­tion and chain com­plexes, I: Al­geb­ra­ic K- and L-the­ory. Pre­print, September 2001. ArXiv math/​0109118 techreport

A. Nee­man, A. Ran­icki, and A. Schofield: “Rep­res­ent­a­tions of al­geb­ras as uni­ver­sal loc­al­iz­a­tions,” Math. Proc. Camb. Philos. Soc. 136 : 1 (2004), pp. 105–​117. MR 2034017 Zbl 1088.​16020 ArXiv math/​0205034 article

A. Nee­man and A. Ran­icki: “Non­com­mut­at­ive loc­al­isa­tion in al­geb­ra­ic K-the­ory, I,” Geom. To­pol. 8 (2004), pp. 1385–​1425. MR 2119300 Zbl 1083.​18007 ArXiv math/​0410620 article