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Works connected to Richard James Milgram
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Some product formulae for nonsimply connected surgery problems,” Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 297 : 2 (October 1986), pp. 383–413. MR 854074 Zbl 0604.57023 article
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Algebraic Poincaré cobordism,” pp. 213–255 in Topology, geometry, and algebra: Interactions and new directions (Stanford, CA, 17–21 August 1999). Edited by A. Adem, G. Carlsson, and R. Cohen. Contemporary Mathematics 279. American Mathematical Society (Providence, RI), 2001. Conference in honor of R. James Milgram. MR 1850750 Zbl 0996.57015 ArXiv math/0008228 incollection
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