Celebratio Mathematica

Andrew A. Ranicki

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Works connected to Richard James Milgram

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R. J. Mil­gram and A. Ran­icki: “Some product for­mu­lae for nonsimply con­nec­ted sur­gery prob­lems,” Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 297 : 2 (October 1986), pp. 383–​413. MR 854074 Zbl 0604.​57023 article

R. J. Mil­gram and A. A. Ran­icki: “The L-the­ory of Laurent ex­ten­sions and genus 0 func­tion fields,” J. Reine An­gew. Math. 406 (1990), pp. 121–​166. MR 1048238 Zbl 0692.​13010 article

A. Ran­icki: “Al­geb­ra­ic Poin­caré cobor­d­ism,” pp. 213–​255 in To­po­logy, geo­metry, and al­gebra: In­ter­ac­tions and new dir­ec­tions (Stan­ford, CA, 17–21 Au­gust 1999). Edi­ted by A. Adem, G. Carls­son, and R. Co­hen. Con­tem­por­ary Math­em­at­ics 279. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 2001. Con­fer­ence in hon­or of R. James Mil­gram. MR 1850750 Zbl 0996.​57015 ArXiv math/​0008228 incollection