by Martin Scharlemann
Rob Kirby asked me about my favorite theorems. I set out to pick a top three but ended up with four, listed in historical sequence below. The first and the third would be on any list, for the reasons I’ve described; the choice of the other two was hard and might be different next month. (e.g., my work with Rubinstein would be another good choice.)
1. “Smooth spheres in
Reason: I had been working mostly on 4-manifolds when Nicholas Kuiper asked me if I knew how to show this. I realized pretty quickly it was really a 3-dimensional problem, one that I then learned many had tried to prove. But I had an idea, based largely on my earlier combinatorial work on outermost forks (in “Tunnel number one knots satisfy the Poenaru conjecture” Topology and its Applications 18 (1984) 235–258) and it took only a month or so of hard thought to realize that it would probably work. So I had thereby solved an old problem in a field (3-manifolds) that I knew little about. The methods also immediately led to a proof that unknotting number one knots are prime, another old problem. Others then found the core idea in it (eventually to be called “Scharlemann cycles”) useful. Time to switch to 3-manifolds!
2. “Producing reducible 3-manifolds by surgery on a knot”, Topology 29 (1990) 481–500.
Reason: The main take-away of this argument, that satellite knots satisfy the cabling conjecture, is less than thrilling, but the argument leading to it was probably the deepest I’ve done. It features extensive use of the sutured manifold theory we had just learned about from Gabai, applied IMHO in a pretty imaginative way. (An earlier draft claimed to prove the cabling conjecture in general, but Dave immediately spotted an error).
3. (With Abby Thompson) “Detecting unknotted graphs in 3-space”, J. Diff. Geom. 34 (1991) 539–560.
Reason: This paper solved the graph-planarity problem, showing that there is an algorithm to decide whether a finite graph in 3-space can be moved in 3-space into the plane. I like it because a) its statement is probably the easiest among my theorems to explain to a non-mathematician, and b) it solved a long-studied question that had even given rise to a bet between Cameron Gordon and Jonathan Simon as to whether it would ever be solved.
4. (With Maggy Tomova) “Alternate Heegaard genus bounds distance”, Geometry and Topology 10 (2006) 593–617.
There are actually three reasons I like this one: a) I thought it was a pretty surprising result; b) I heard later that Andrew Casson, one of my math idols, had conjectured that something like this might be true and probably had thought about it hard himself; and c) Wow! I have another great student!