Celebratio Mathematica

Martin Scharlemann

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Works connected to Steven Albert Bleiler

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S. Bleiler and M. Schar­le­mann: “Tangles, prop­erty P, and a prob­lem of J. Mar­tin,” Math. Ann. 273 : 2 (June 1986), pp. 215–​225. MR 817877 Zbl 0563.​57002 article

S. Bleiler and M. Schar­le­mann: “A pro­ject­ive plane in R4 with three crit­ic­al points is stand­ard. Strongly in­vert­ible knots have prop­erty P,” To­po­logy 27 : 4 (1988), pp. 519–​540. MR 976593 Zbl 0678.​57003 article