Celebratio Mathematica

Isadore M. Singer

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Works connected to Warren Arthur Ambrose

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W. Am­brose and I. M. Sing­er: “A the­or­em on holonomy,” Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 75 : 3 (1953), pp. 428–​443. MR 63739 Zbl 0052.​18002 article

W. Am­brose and I. M. Sing­er: “On ho­mo­gen­eous Rieman­ni­an man­i­folds,” Duke Math. J. 25 : 4 (1958), pp. 647–​669. MR 102842 Zbl 0134.​17802 article

W. Am­brose, R. S. Pal­ais, and I. M. Sing­er: “Sprays,” An. Acad. Brasil. Ci. 32 : 2 (June 1960), pp. 163–​178. MR 126234 Zbl 0097.​37904 article

I. M. Sing­er and H. Wu: “A trib­ute to War­ren Am­brose,” No­tices Amer. Math. Soc. 43 : 4 (April 1996), pp. 425–​427. MR 1379775 Zbl 1044.​01546 article