Celebratio Mathematica

P. Emery Thomas

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Works connected to Ioan M. James

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I. James and E. Thomas: “Which Lie groups are ho­mo­topy-abeli­an?,” Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 45 : 5 (May 1959), pp. 737–​740. MR 0106465 Zbl 0085.​25801 article

S. Araki, I. M. James, and E. Thomas: “Ho­mo­topy-abeli­an Lie groups,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 66 : 4 (1960), pp. 324–​326. MR 0119207 Zbl 0152.​01103 article

I. James and E. Thomas: “Ho­mo­topy-abeli­an to­po­lo­gic­al groups,” To­po­logy 1 : 3 (1962), pp. 237–​240. MR 0149483 Zbl 0107.​40602 article

I. James and E. Thomas: “Ho­mo­topy-com­mut­ativ­ity in ro­ta­tion groups,” To­po­logy 1 : 2 (1962), pp. 121–​124. MR 0139167 Zbl 0114.​39204 article

I. James and E. Thomas: “On ho­mo­topy-com­mut­ativ­ity,” Ann. Math. (2) 76 : 1 (July 1962), pp. 9–​17. MR 0139166 Zbl 0107.​40601 article

I. M. James, E. Thomas, H. Toda, and G. W. White­head: “On the sym­met­ric square of a sphere,” J. Math. Mech. 12 : 5 (1963), pp. 771–​776. MR 0154282 Zbl 0136.​20301 article

I. James and E. Thomas: “An ap­proach to the enu­mer­a­tion prob­lem for non-stable vec­tor bundles,” J. Math. Mech. 14 : 3 (1965), pp. 485–​506. MR 0175134 Zbl 0142.​40701 article

I. James and E. Thomas: “Note on the clas­si­fic­a­tion of cross-sec­tions,” To­po­logy 4 : 4 (January 1966), pp. 351–​359. MR 0212820 Zbl 0136.​44202 article

I. James and E. Thomas: “On the enu­mer­a­tion of cross-sec­tions,” To­po­logy 5 : 2 (May 1966), pp. 95–​114. MR 0196753 Zbl 0141.​40505 article

I. James and E. Thomas: “Sub­mer­sions and im­mer­sions of man­i­folds,” In­vent. Math. 2 : 3 (1967), pp. 171–​177. MR 0212821 Zbl 0146.​19803 article

E. Thomas and A. T. Vasquez: “Betti num­bers of Hil­bert mod­u­lar vari­et­ies,” pp. 70–​87 in To­po­lo­gic­al top­ics: Art­icles on al­gebra and to­po­logy presen­ted to P. J. Hilton in cel­eb­ra­tion of his six­tieth birth­day. Edi­ted by I. M. James. Lon­don Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety Lec­ture Note Series 86. Cam­bridge Uni­versity Press, 1983. MR 827249 Zbl 0523.​14026 incollection