Celebratio Mathematica

P. Emery Thomas

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Works connected to John Wood

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J. Wood and E. Thomas: “On sig­na­tures as­so­ci­ated with rami­fied cov­er­ings and em­bed­ding prob­lems,” pp. 229–​235 in Col­loque in­ter­na­tion­al sur l’ana­lyse et la to­po­lo­gie différen­ti­elle [In­ter­na­tion­al sym­posi­um on ana­lys­is and dif­fer­en­tial to­po­logy] (CNRS, Stras­bourg, 20–29 June 1972), published as Ann. Inst. Four­i­er 23 : 2 (1973). Col­loques in­ter­na­tionaux du Centre na­tion­al de la recher­che sci­en­ti­fique 210. MR 0339201 Zbl 0262.​57012 incollection

E. Thomas and J. Wood: “On man­i­folds rep­res­ent­ing ho­mo­logy classes in codi­men­sion 2,” In­vent. Math. 25 : 1 (1974), pp. 63–​89. MR 0383438 Zbl 0283.​57018 article