
Celebratio Mathematica

Robert Fones Williams

R. F. Williams’ work on the Hilbert–Smith conjecture

by Frank Raymond

The 1950s wit­nessed a surge in new ways to look at math­em­at­ics. New tools and meth­ods offered a fresh ap­proach to old prob­lems and set the stage for much fur­ther de­vel­op­ment. The In­sti­tute for Ad­vanced Study and the math­em­at­ics de­part­ment at Prin­ceton Uni­versity were in the thick of this activ­ity.

Bob Wil­li­ams and I were very for­tu­nate to be in Prin­ceton from 1958–1960. Both Bob and I were “grand­sons” of R. L. Moore — Bob (Ph.D. 1954) via G. T. Why­burn, and I (1958) via R. L. Wilder. We also be­nefited from fant­ast­ic teach­ers and fel­low stu­dents at Vir­gin­ia and Michigan, and so we had much in com­mon. Our wives, too, be­came close friends be­cause of a mu­tu­al in­terest in the arts.

Pro­fess­or Ar­mand Borel or­gan­ized and ran a sem­in­ar on to­po­lo­gic­al trans­form­a­tion groups which was in the spot­light ow­ing to con­tem­por­an­eous break­throughs. D. Mont­gomery, L. Zip­pin, C. T. Yang, E. E. Floyd, P. A. Smith, G. D. Mostow, Pierre Con­ner and many oth­ers had cre­ated much of the nota­tion and meth­ods for study­ing trans­form­a­tion groups on man­i­folds, a sub­ject that had grown out of the nine­teenth-cen­tury work of such lu­minar­ies as Lie, Klein, and Poin­caré. With the pro­mul­ga­tion in 1900 of Hil­bert’s fam­ous list of 23 un­solved prob­lems, the top­ic, as for­mu­lated in his fifth prob­lem, gained wider math­em­at­ic­al at­ten­tion.

It took over 50 years and much ef­fort by many math­em­aticians to put Hil­bert’s ori­gin­al for­mu­la­tion of his fifth prob­lem in­to mod­ern form. The struc­ture of loc­ally com­pact, fi­nite di­men­sion­al to­po­lo­gic­al groups as gen­er­al­ized Lie groups was com­pleted in the 1950s by A. Gleason, D. Mont­gomery, L. Zip­pin, and H. Yamabe. A gen­er­al­ized Lie group’s iden­tity com­pon­ent \( G_0 \) con­tains ar­bit­rar­ily small nor­mal in­vari­ant sub­groups \( N \) whose quo­tient \( G_0 / N \) is a Lie group. For ac­tions on man­i­folds, if one could show that sub­groups \( N \) do not oc­cur then one need only con­cen­trate on Lie group ac­tions. \( N \) al­ways con­tains cent­ral totally dis­con­nec­ted com­pact sub­groups iso­morph­ic to the \( p \)-ad­ic in­tegers, \( A_p \), for some prime \( p \). So, the re­main­ing ques­tion be­came known as the Hil­bert–Smith con­jec­ture: The \( p \)-ad­ic group, \( A_p \), does not act ef­fect­ively on any \( n \)-di­men­sion­al man­i­fold. It is known to be true for man­i­folds of di­men­sion 1, 2, and re­cently 3 [e6]. It is also true if all or­bits are loc­ally con­nec­ted or when a trans­form­a­tion group acts dif­fer­en­ti­ably [e1], or as Lipschitz homeo­morph­isms [e3], or quasicon­form­al homeo­morph­isms [e5] or as Hold­er ac­tions [e4].

P. A. Smith had shown that if a \( p \)-ad­ic group ac­ted on an \( n \)-di­men­sion­al man­i­fold then the di­men­sion of the or­bit space was not \( n \). C. T. Yang [e2], us­ing his ex­ten­sion of Smith the­ory, proved that the di­men­sion of such an or­bit space is ex­actly \( n+2 \) or in­fin­ity and the max­im­um on any \( n \)-di­men­sion­al space was \( n+3 \) or in­fin­ity. Bredon, Ray­mond and Wil­li­ams us­ing the join con­struc­tion cal­cu­lated the group co­homo­logy of the \( p \)-ad­ic group and the \( p \)-ad­ic solen­oid [2]. Us­ing this, and meth­ods of the Borel Sem­in­ar notes, we re­proved Yang’s the­or­ems. In ad­di­tion, we found that solen­oid­al ac­tions would raise the di­men­sion of the or­bit space by 1 or in­fin­ity and that the com­pon­ents of their fixed point sets would be co­homo­logy \( (n-r) \) man­i­folds over the ra­tion­al field with \( n-r \) even, ana­log­ous to an ac­tion by a circle group.

No ex­amples of di­men­sion-rais­ing or­bit maps were known at that time. Deane Mont­gomery sug­ges­ted that an old ex­ample, of Kolmogorov, map­ping a 1-di­men­sion­al space onto a 2-di­men­sion­al space could be an or­bit map­ping. There were these older ex­amples of Pontry­agin, Boltyanski and Kolmogorov that showed that the di­men­sion of a product of two spaces was not ne­ces­sar­ily the sum of the di­men­sions of each of the factors. The tech­nique used there was to punch holes in a nice space like a sphere \( K \) and at­tach a new space \( X \) along their bound­ar­ies to get a new space \( X \Delta K \). If one could do this equivari­antly and in a con­trolled fash­ion one might be able to con­struct a \( p \)-ad­ic ac­tion if not on an \( n \)-man­i­fold then at least on some reas­on­able space whose or­bit map­ping raised the di­men­sion by ex­actly 2. Bob had stud­ied the Rus­si­an ex­amples and found a func­tori­al way to make and im­prove the Rus­si­an ex­amples [3]. In our pa­pers [1], [4] we util­ized this \( \Delta \) pro­cess to con­struct ex­amples of \( n \)-di­men­sion­al spaces with \( p \)-ad­ic ac­tions that raised di­men­sion by 2. While we tried to make our ex­amples as close to man­i­folds as pos­sible, it seemed im­possible to get a man­i­fold by this meth­od. Per­haps on a co­homo­logy man­i­fold but that has not worked either. Nev­er­the­less, the or­bit spaces that we did con­struct ex­hib­ited all the bizarre fail­ures of the di­men­sion of a product of these or­bit spaces to be ad­dit­ive on the di­men­sion of the factors. This re­flec­ted ex­actly what must oc­cur if these where ac­tions of \( A_p \) on \( n \)-man­i­folds. For me this prob­lem has nev­er been put to rest as I am sure that Bob can­not es­cape from think­ing about it from time to time. Whenev­er we met we ex­changed our thoughts about this con­jec­ture. Our won­der­ful friend­ship has las­ted now for 65 years and some of the glue hold­ing it to­geth­er has been our ex­per­i­ence work­ing to­geth­er on this prob­lem.

Frank Ray­mond is a Pro­fess­or Emer­it­us at the Uni­versity of Michigan.


[1] F. Ray­mond and R. F. Wil­li­ams: “Ex­amples of \( p \)-ad­ic trans­form­a­tion groups,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 66 : 5 (1960), pp. 392–​394. Full de­scrip­tions of these ex­amples are giv­en in an art­icle pub­lished in Ann. Math. 78:1 (1963). MR 123634 Zbl 0096.​17202 article

[2] G. E. Bredon, F. Ray­mond, and R. F. Wil­li­ams: “\( p \)-ad­ic groups of trans­form­a­tions,” Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 99 : 3 (1961), pp. 488–​498. MR 142682 Zbl 0109.​15901 article

[3] R. F. Wil­li­ams: “A use­ful func­tor and three fam­ous ex­amples in to­po­logy,” Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 106 : 2 (1963), pp. 319–​329. MR 146832 Zbl 0113.​37803 article

[4] F. Ray­mond and R. F. Wil­li­ams: “Ex­amples of \( p \)-ad­ic trans­form­a­tion groups,” Ann. Math. (2) 78 : 1 (July 1963), pp. 92–​106. These ex­amples ori­gin­ated in an art­icle pub­lished in Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 66:5 (1960). MR 150769 Zbl 0178.​26003 article