by Robert Fones Williams
My family always lived in Austin except when forced for a six-year retreat (back) to Alabama; I was born there in 1928. This hard period for my father included plowing with a mule. But he was determined to get us, now five, back to Austin and the University of Texas (there was only one until decades later.) My mother’s parents were Leon Walter and Lucretia Brown of Runge, Texas, and my father’s were Joseph Marble and Mary Michael (Fones) Williams, of Montgomery Alabama. The Great Depression, World War II and rigid Jim Crow defined the young lives of my two brothers and me.
I graduated from high school — neither parent had been to high school — in 1945 and entered the University. All three boys fulfilled our father’s wish and graduated from the University of Texas: me in 1948, BA in Mathematics; Elgin, Jr. with a BA in Economics, 1942, Masters 1943; Joe (after a stint in the Navy), with a BS in Architecture, 1949. My brothers were very important to me.
My curriculum at UT was mostly physical science but included economics, psychology and advanced English courses. By my sophomore year I was grading mathematics homework and had a key to the Mathematics Department office. Calculus under R. L. Moore had only two students during the first semester but the number increased to seven in the second (an effect of World War II). Next was Moore’s (undergraduate) analysis. By this time I was much taken by the “Moore method” of teaching and certain that I wanted to be a mathematician. Along with my close friends, Eldon Dyer and Mary-Elizabeth Hamstrom, I was ready to show the world the Moore method (now universally admired as inquiry-based learning). The math community included — at some stage of their careers — Mary Ellen Estell (later, Rudin), R. D. Anderson, B. J. Ball, R H Bing, Cecil Burgess and Burton Jones. I had a year in graduate school, continuing Moore’s sequence of courses, on which I spent most of my time.
In the fall of 1948 I applied for support at the two universities suggested by Moore; I accepted a position at the University of Virginia where I continued my graduate work under Gordon Whyburn. There are various stories about this move: one was that Moore hoped I would mature, and return for my Ph.D. Another, see ([e7], p. 232), concerned my modern dancing which had become important to me. Could I have been a professional modern dancer? I had a summer fellowship to study dance under Hanya Holm, but instead accepted a summer job teaching math — which was canceled without warning.
Virginia was a major change and at first I resisted the more balanced program under Whyburn. With momentum from Moore, I tried to prove some foolish things about complexes, but did solve a (dynamics) problem suggested by Gustav Hedlund [1]: I reinvented the dyadic solenoid and doubling diffeomorphism; later E. E. Floyd showed me how inverse limits were good for such examples. Another scholar suggested a pointwise definition for local contractions, pl contraction: I showed how poorly this worked; in particular I put a topologically equivalent metric on the circle [5] so that an irrational rotation was a pl contraction but not a pl isometry. I began to have more contact with E. E. Floyd which continued for many years. Also David Lowdenslager and Bob Plunkett (fellow graduate students) became important friends.
In 1952 I married Catherine Barnes — whose BA was a double major in painting and art history. She continued to paint throughout our twenty years of marriage which cemented my interest in art and the chemistry of oil painting. My thesis was “Reduction of open mappings” [2], [3] and my Ph.D. was granted in 1954.
Bob Plunkett and I accepted assistant professor positions at the newly created Florida State University. I left this position for a one-year appointment to the Mathematics Department of The University of Wisconsin. This continued my contact with Professor RH Bing, whom I knew at Texas. I concentrated on his ongoing work on surfaces: that a 2-sphere topologically embedded in a 3-sphere can be approximated by one which has a three-dimensional disk on one side; Bing solved it himself. I was attracted to and wrote a paper on dimension theory [4].
In 1956 I became Assistant Professor at Purdue University. I took the summer of 1957 off and toured Europe with my wife Catherine. My daughter Ellen Lindsay was born in Lafayette, Indiana, April of 1958.
There was little topology at Purdue and I began working with the group around Lamberto Cesari and Wendell Fleming [6]. I also made contact with Mo Hirsch and Steve Smale, who were nearby at the University of Chicago. I got a one-year NSF fellowship to attend the Institute for Advanced Study (extended to a second year.)
This was a real learning period — much of it with Smale, Hirsch and Frank Raymond. I began a long period working with Raymond on the Hilbert–Smith conjecture [8], [9]. The IAS professors helped me get a two-year post-doc at the University of Chicago. I finally realized that I needed to learn linear algebra and got to teach it. Chicago was a friendly place and I learned a lot. I had some success here [4] but a long project concerning the agreement of cohomology dimension with topological dimension failed because of an elementary and serious mistake.
While I was at the University of Chicago, two undergraduates, Rich Goldstone and Steve Derenzo, introduced me to rock climbing. They had discovered a rock wall near the university that made for challenging traverses. And on weekends, there was the fine wall at Devil’s Lake, in Wisconsin. Like many climbers in these early days, Goldstone is a mathematician, as are Mike Freedman, John Gill, Rob Kirby, John Milnor and George de Rham, all of whom I have had great pleasure climbing with. De Rham wrote the guide book to l’Argentine (a mountain in the Vaud Alps, Switzerland). For the next four decades I was an avid climber. Later, trips in the US and to roughly ten countries for mathematics meetings, I easily found climbers, mountains, rock and snow for my main sport.
I moved to nearby Northwestern University as an associate professor without tenure, where I finished my work on the Hilbert–Smith conjecture. I rode the Chicago “L” down to the colloquia at the University of Chicago: Smale gave one about hyperbolic subsets of a manifold under a diffeo (Axiom “A”). Example: the doubling diffeo on the dyadic solenoid (DS), just as in [1]. Suddenly I was at home in dynamical systems. The additional structure suited me. Struggling with the zeta function of the dyadic solenoid, I was delighted to understand the following: a zeta function is rational if and only if there are two matrices \( A \) and \( B \) such the number of fixed points of \( f^n = |f^n|= \operatorname{tr}A^n- \operatorname{tr}B^n \).
I used a preliminary version of Smale’s “Differential dynamical systems” paper [e2] to teach a seminar. Paul Schweitzer was visiting Northwestern at this time and was enthusiastic; we also thought about Smale’s newly formulated “stable manifold theorem”, later proved by Hirsch, Pugh, and Shub (eventually there were several other proofs). The climax of this seminar was my introduction of one-dimensional “branched manifolds” (later given the great name “train tracks” by Thurston) which I used to characterize all one-dimensional hyperbolic attractors [10].
Smale was enthusiastic and invited me to visit Berkeley. He had constructed the “\( DA \)” diffeomorphism of the torus; I saw its beauty and showed him how it fit into my characterization [10]. The \( DA \) was clearly structurally stable and a great addition to his “horse shoe” from seven years earlier. But I had no idea how much of my work in the next years would involve this example. (My visit happened to coincide with thousands marching through San Francisco to protest the war in Vietnam.)
This was the beginning of an exciting era for dynamics and most of my life’s work. At this time I began to work on the Weil-type zeta function introduced by Artin and (Barry) Mazur and a higher-dimensional version of [10], which eventually appeared in 1971 [14].
I computed the periodic points in several examples [10] and saw the formula \[ |f^n| = [\operatorname{tr} (f_*^n) + \operatorname{tr} (\tilde f_*)^n]/2, \] where \( \tilde f \) is the lift to the double cover orienting the expanding bundle of \( df \), \( |f| \) is the number of fixed points of \( f \), and \( * \) indicates the map induced on homology. This led to the paper [11] showing that all hyperbolic attractors had rational zeta functions. I had a sabbatical year at the University of Geneva where I completed that work.
The global analysis meeting in Berkeley, summer of 1968
In fact this led to eighteen years of work (see [e6]) on the “Williams problem.” Meanwhile, at Warwick, Bill Parry found the error in [13] while we were working on finite Markov chains [24]. In a series of fine papers, John Wagoner, Kim and Roush showed that the strong version is in fact stronger.
The Turbulence Seminar was organized in Berkeley following the suggestion by Ruelle and Takens [e3] of the “strange attractor” as a model for turbulence: a contemporary definition of strange attractor was an attractor that is is neither finite not a submanifold. This included those I had worked on. It also includes the Lorenz attractor, but this last was essentially unnoticed until Guckenheimer’s “A strange strange attractor” appeared as a preprint [e4]. My paper [26] was next; it made use of branched manifolds [18] and gave additional insight into the Lorenz attractor. Our model was referred to as the geometric Lorenz attractor. I introduced a zeta function to characterize them, at the Turbulence Seminar [23]. I later wrote about these knots with Joan Birman [28].
At this point we had no complete proof connecting the geometric LA of Guckenheimer and myself; I had done lots of verification. For example, I would “locate” a periodic of say five or six trips around the periodic points, then James Curry would find it with an ODE solver. I wrote a program to “find” the strong stable manifolds and the pictures were striking.
Curry is a longtime member of the Mathematics Department of the University of Colorado, which I had the honor of visiting as holder of the Stanisław Ulam position. It was here that I first met Marcy Barge, whose thesis was under Wes Wilson. Later Marcy and I worked together on tiling theory.
At the Turbulence Seminar, I showed that the periodic orbits corresponded one-to-one with the aperiodic words in two letters, say \( \{x,y\} \), and pointed out that they are mostly knotted. All my life I have liked knots, how to tie them and where to use them, but never as a mathematician. Now I had a chance and spent many hours tying these “Lorenz” knots, using the symbolic dynamics I had found. I built a “knot loom” using this symbolic dynamics for tying them — and the very first time I used it, the knot fell into a shape that I saw was important: each Lorenz knot is a positive braid with a full twist. Shortly after this, I met Joan Birman, whose knot work was largely on braids. Notably every knot can be written as a braid, and the Lorenz knots are given as braids. Together we wrote [28] on Lorenz knots and [29].
Earlier, three new dynamicists from Berkeley, Clark Robinson, Sheldon Newhouse and John Franks came to Northwestern. Together we began The Midwestern Dynamical Systems Seminar with Joel Robbin and Charles Conley (at Wisconsin) which met weekly for a while. This was the beginning of MWDS which remains important 50 years later; I am proud of this — especially, my listening closely to the much younger Newhouse, Robinson and Franks. True to his many important contributions to dynamics, Robinson kept the records and mailing list. Also important were the series of other young dynamicists that had a year or two at NU: Bob Devaney, Paul Blanchard, and Lai-Sang Young. I was invited to present a paper at the International Congress in Nice, 1970.
Warwick University, IMPA (Brazil), IHES, Berkeley
Over the next three decades, I took part in many meetings for dynamical systems. I had always wanted to visit Brazil and my four visits there were fulfilling. In 1971 at the Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA) I gave my slightly simplified version of the \( DA \), and a paper on the composition of contractions that I had worked out on a train ride from Geneva to Warwick University. Sheldon Newhouse and I drove our “fuscas” through the jungle, to the month-long international meeting in Salvador, Bahia (Brazil) in 1971.
Knot theory had been an active section of mathematics for over fifty years when Vaughan Jones found a new polynomial invariant. Defined via \( C^* \) algebras, many knot theorists figured out, at the about the same time, how to compute it via standard “knot moves”. My colleague John Franks persuaded the undergrad Henry Cejtin, to write a program to compute this. After many computations we noticed a certain exponent was a lower bound for the braid index (BI) of a knot [33]. As every knot can be written as a braid, the smallest number of strands for such a braid is a knot invariant. This makes BI a useful invariant for the first time.
That one-dimensional attractors have nontrivial homology was proved in my 1967 paper in Topology [10]. But for expanding attractors, a new idea is needed: Dennis Sullivan and I showed this using cochains with bounded coefficients [21]. Though I had known Dennis for many years, I had the most contact with him while a member of the Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques. This also gave me a lot of contact with René Thom. His friendship has been important to me.
Inspired by this theorem which unites two areas of mathematics, I began working on tilings which led to [34], [35] and [36].
The mathematician, Karen Uhlenbeck and I got together in 1975; the outdoors with back-packing, and mountain-climbing has been continuous and great together; we are married. I left Northwestern University to accept a position at the University of Texas in 1986. During this period we spent summers in the West. We now have a house in Bozeman, Montana and been given much hospitality by Montana State University. We lived in a house in the Texas Hill Country, surrounded by trees. After a visit to Hawaii, I built an outdoor shower with circulating hot water. I retired in 1999 and continued as an Editor for dynamics for Transactions of the AMS for several years. We moved to Princeton when Karen retired in 2014. Until this move we have always had at least two cats. We are as busy as ever with our new connections to the Institute for Advanced Study. The IAS has been very accommodating; Karen is a Visiting Distinguished Professor.
As I write this we are hopeful, along with millions of others, of living through the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.