Celebratio Mathematica

Robert Fones Williams

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Works connected to Ricardo Mañé

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R. F. Wil­li­ams: “Spaces that won’t say no,” pp. 236–​246 in In­ter­na­tion­al con­fer­ence on dy­nam­ic­al sys­tems (Montivideo, Ur­uguay, 27 March–1 April 1995). Edi­ted by F. Le­drap­pi­er, J. Le­wow­icz, and S. Ne­w­house. Pit­man Re­search Notes in Math­em­at­ics 362. Long­man Sci­entif­ic & Tech­nic­al (Har­low, UK), 1996. Pro­ceed­ings ded­ic­ated to Ri­cardo Mañé. MR 1460809 Zbl 0876.​57044 incollection