Celebratio Mathematica

Lou van den Dries

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Works connected to Isaac Martin Goldbring

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L. van den Dries and I. Gold­bring: “Loc­ally com­pact con­tract­ive loc­al groups,” J. Lie The­ory 19 : 4 (2009), pp. 685–​695. MR 2598999 Zbl 1222.​22004 ArXiv 0909.​4565 article

L. van den Dries and I. Gold­bring: “Glob­al­iz­ing loc­ally com­pact loc­al groups,” J. Lie The­ory 20 : 3 (2010), pp. 519–​524. An er­rat­um to this art­icle was pub­lished in J. Lie The­ory 22:2 (2012). MR 2743102 Zbl 1203.​22006 ArXiv 1003.​0963 article

L. van den Dries and I. Gold­bring: “Er­rat­um to ‘Glob­al­iz­ing loc­ally com­pact loc­al groups’,” J. Lie The­ory 22 : 2 (2012), pp. 489–​490. Er­rat­um to an art­icle pub­lished in J. Lie The­ory 20:3 (2010). MR 2976929 Zbl 1242.​22005 article

L. van den Dries and I. Gold­bring: “Hil­bert’s 5th prob­lem,” En­sei­gn. Math. 61 : 1–​2 (2015), pp. 3–​43. MR 3449281 Zbl 1335.​22008 article