Interview with Lou van den Dries
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Model theory of fields: Decidability and bounds for polynomial ideals. Ph.D. thesis, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, 1978. phdthesis
:Bounds in the theory of polynomial rings over fields: A nonstandard approach,” Invent. Math. 76 : 1 (February 1984), pp. 77–91. MR 739626 Zbl 0539.13011 article
: “
Remarks on Tarski’s problem concerning
The elementary theory of restricted analytic fields with exponentiation,” Ann. Math. (2) 140 : 1 (July 1994), pp. 183–205. MR 1289495 Zbl 0837.12006 article
: “Logarithmic-exponential power series,” J. London Math. Soc. (2) 56 : 3 (1997), pp. 417–434. MR 1610431 Zbl 0924.12007 article
: “Asymptotic differential algebra and model theory of transseries. Annals of Mathematics Studies 195. Princeton University Press, 2017. MR 3585498 Zbl 06684722 book