Complete Bibliography
Works connected to Natig M. Atakishiyev
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An analog of the Fourier transformation for a \( q \)-harmonic oscillator,” pp. 57–63 in Symmetries in science, VI: From the rotation group to quantum algebras (Bregenz, Austria, 2–7 August 1992). Edited by B. Gruber. Plenum (New York), 1993. MR 1258093 Zbl 0863.33020 ArXiv math/9307205 incollection
: “Bazisnye gipergeometricheskie ryady [Basic hypergeometric series]. Mir (Moscow), 1993. With a foreword by Richard Askey. Translated from the English and with a preface by N. M. Atakishiev and S. K. Suslov. Russian translation of 1990 original. MR 1286735 Zbl 0848.33011 book
:Fourier transformations for difference analogs of the harmonic oscillator,” pp. 140–144 in Problems on workshop on high energy physics and field theory (Protvino, Russia, 6–10 July 1992). Edited by A. P. Samokhin and G. L. Rcheulishvili. IHEP (Protvino, Russia), 1995. incollection
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