Celebratio Mathematica

Richard Allen Askey

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Works connected to Sergei K. Suslov

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R. As­key and S. K. Suslov: “The \( q \)-har­mon­ic os­cil­lat­or and an ana­logue of the Charli­er poly­no­mi­als,” J. Phys. A 26 : 15 (1993), pp. L693–​L698. MR 1239353 Zbl 0859.​33021 ArXiv math/​9307206 article

R. As­key and S. K. Suslov: “The \( q \)-har­mon­ic os­cil­lat­or and the Al-Salam and Carl­itz poly­no­mi­als,” Lett. Math. Phys. 29 : 2 (1993), pp. 123–​132. MR 1245186 Zbl 0919.​33010 ArXiv math/​9307207 article

R. As­key, N. M. Atak­ishi­yev, and S. K. Suslov: “An ana­log of the Four­i­er trans­form­a­tion for a \( q \)-har­mon­ic os­cil­lat­or,” pp. 57–​63 in Sym­met­ries in sci­ence, VI: From the ro­ta­tion group to quantum al­geb­ras (Bre­genz, Aus­tria, 2–7 Au­gust 1992). Edi­ted by B. Gruber. Plen­um (New York), 1993. MR 1258093 Zbl 0863.​33020 ArXiv math/​9307205 incollection

D. Gasper and M. Rakh­man: Bazisnye giper­geo­met­richeskie ryady [Ba­sic hy­per­geo­met­ric series]. Mir (Mo­scow), 1993. With a fore­word by Richard As­key. Trans­lated from the Eng­lish and with a pre­face by N. M. Atak­ishiev and S. K. Suslov. Rus­si­an trans­la­tion of 1990 ori­gin­al. MR 1286735 Zbl 0848.​33011 book

R. As­key, N. M. Atak­ishi­yev, and S. K. Suslov: “Four­i­er trans­form­a­tions for dif­fer­ence ana­logs of the har­mon­ic os­cil­lat­or,” pp. 140–​144 in Prob­lems on work­shop on high en­ergy phys­ics and field the­ory (Protvino, Rus­sia, 6–10 Ju­ly 1992). Edi­ted by A. P. Sam­okh­in and G. L. Rch­eul­ishvili. IHEP (Protvino, Rus­sia), 1995. incollection

R. A. As­key, M. Rah­man, and S. K. Suslov: “On a gen­er­al \( q \)-Four­i­er trans­form­a­tion with non­sym­met­ric ker­nels,” J. Com­put. Ap­pl. Math. 68 : 1–​2 (April 1996), pp. 25–​55. MR 1418749 Zbl 0871.​33008 ArXiv math/​9411229 article

G. E. An­drews, G. Gasper, and S. Suslov: “Pre­face,” pp. 5–​6 in As­key spe­cial is­sues, published as Ramanu­jan J. 13 : 1–​3. Spring­er (New York), June 2007. MR 2281153 Zbl 1186.​00042 incollection