Celebratio Mathematica

Richard Allen Askey

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Works connected to Bruno J. Gruber

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R. As­key, N. M. Atak­ishi­yev, and S. K. Suslov: “An ana­log of the Four­i­er trans­form­a­tion for a \( q \)-har­mon­ic os­cil­lat­or,” pp. 57–​63 in Sym­met­ries in sci­ence, VI: From the ro­ta­tion group to quantum al­geb­ras (Bre­genz, Aus­tria, 2–7 Au­gust 1992). Edi­ted by B. Gruber. Plen­um (New York), 1993. MR 1258093 Zbl 0863.​33020 ArXiv math/​9307205 incollection