Celebratio Mathematica

Richard Allen Askey

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Works connected to James Arthur Wilson

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R. As­key and J. Wilson: “A set of or­tho­gon­al poly­no­mi­als that gen­er­al­ize the Racah coef­fi­cients or \( 6-j \) sym­bols,” SIAM J. Math. Anal. 10 : 5 (1979), pp. 1008–​1016. MR 541097 Zbl 0437.​33014 article

R. As­key and J. Wilson: “A set of hy­per­geo­met­ric or­tho­gon­al poly­no­mi­als,” SIAM J. Math. Anal. 13 : 4 (1982), pp. 651–​655. MR 661596 Zbl 0496.​33007 article

R. As­key and J. A. Wilson: “A re­cur­rence re­la­tion gen­er­al­iz­ing those of Apéry,” J. Aus­tral. Math. Soc. Ser. A 36 : 2 (1984), pp. 267–​278. MR 725750 Zbl 0558.​33003 article

R. As­key and J. Wilson: Some ba­sic hy­per­geo­met­ric or­tho­gon­al poly­no­mi­als that gen­er­al­ize Jac­obi poly­no­mi­als. Mem­oirs of the Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety 319. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 1985. MR 783216 Zbl 0572.​33012 book