Celebratio Mathematica

Michael F. Atiyah

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Works connected to Raymond Stora

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M. F. Atiyah: “Re­marks on Morse the­ory,” pp. 1–​5 in Re­cent de­vel­op­ments in gauge the­or­ies. Edi­ted by G. ’t Hooft, C. Itzyk­son, A. Jaffe, H. Lehmann, P. K. Mit­ter, I. M. Sing­er, and R. Stora. NATO Ad­vanced Study In­sti­tutes Series B. Phys­ics. 59. Plen­um Press (New York and Lon­don), 1980. Re­pub­lished in Atiyah’s Col­lec­ted works, vol. 5. incollection