by A. J. Hildebrand
Let \[ \Phi_n(z)=\prod_{\substack{r=1\\ (r,n)=1}}^{n}\!\! \left(1-e^{2\pi i r/n}\right)=\sum_{m=0}^{\phi(n)}a(m,n)z^m \] be the \( n \)-th cyclotomic polynomial. In 1949, in his first published paper, Paul Bateman [1] proved the inequality \begin{equation} \max_{m}|a(m,n)|\le \exp\Big(\tfrac{1}{2}d(n)\log n\Big), \label{one} \end{equation} where \( d(n) \) is the divisor function, and deduced from this the bound \begin{equation} \log \max_{m}|a(m,n)|\le \exp\Bigl(\bigl(1+o(1)\bigr)\frac{(\log 2)(\log n)}{\log\log n}\Bigr). \label{two} \end{equation} Bateman’s proof of \eqref{one} and \eqref{two} takes just over one page, and is a model of simplicity and elegance. His work was motivated by a 1946 paper of Paul Erdős [e1], in which Erdős gave a lower bound for \( \max_m|a(m,n)| \) among other results and conjectures.
The papers by Erdős and Bateman gave impetus to significant further work on the coefficients of cyclotomic polynomials. We mention here some of the key results that have been obtained during the past few decades. In 1974, Robert Vaughan [e2] showed that the upper bound \eqref{two} is best possible, in the sense that an inequality in the other direction holds for infinitely many \( n \). In 1984, Bateman, Carl Pomerance, and Vaughan [2] gave upper and lower bounds for \( \max_m|a(m,n)| \) in terms of the number of prime factors of \( n \). In 1990, Helmut Maier [e3] proved a long-standing conjecture on the “typical” size of the maximal coefficient \( \max_m|a(m,n)| \) by showing that, for “almost all” \( n \), one has \( \max_{m}|a(m,n)|\ge n^{\epsilon(n)} \) for any given function \( \epsilon(n)\to0 \). In 1993, Gennady Bachman [e4] considered the size of the coefficient \( a(m,n) \) when \( m \) is fixed and \( n \) varies, and he obtained an asymptotic formula for \( \log \max_n|a(m,n)| \) as \( m\to\infty \).
The above papers settle some of the key problems in this area, but many other open questions remain, and the subject continues to attract the attention of researchers. Of the fourteen papers that reference the 1984 paper [2] of Bateman, Pomerance, and Vaughan, according to the MathSciNet database, five have been published since 2010.