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Works connected to Robert V. Moody
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A Kac–Moody bibliography and some related references,” pp. 111–135 in Lie algebras and related topics (26 June–6 July 1984, Windsor, ON). Edited by D. J. Britten, F. W. Lemire, and R. V. Moody. CMS Conference Proceedings 5. American Mathematical Society (Providence, RI), 1986. MR 832196 Zbl 0578.17013 incollection
: “Cartan subalgebras in Lie algebras of Cartan type,” pp. 157–187 in Lie algebras and related topics (26 June–6 July 1984, Windsor, ON). Edited by D. J. Britten, F. W. Lemire, and R. V. Moody. CMS Conference Proceedings 5. American Mathematical Society (Providence, RI), 1986. MR 832198 Zbl 0581.17006 incollection
: “Derivations, central extensions, and affine Lie algebras,” Algebras Groups Geom. 3 : 4 (1986), pp. 456–492. MR 901810 Zbl 0619.17014 article
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Lie superalgebras graded by the root systems