Celebratio Mathematica

Georgia Benkart

Complete Bibliography

Works connected to Nathan Jacobson

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M. Ben­k­art, Geor­gia: In­ner ideals and the struc­ture of Lie al­geb­ras. Ph.D. thesis, Yale Uni­versity, 1974. Ad­vised by N. Jac­ob­son. MR 2625003 phdthesis

G. Ben­k­art: “De­riv­a­tions and auto­morph­isms of matrices sym­met­ric re­l­at­ive to a ca­non­ic­al in­vol­u­tion,” J. Al­gebra 62 : 2 (February 1980), pp. 418–​429. To Nath­an Jac­ob­son on his 70th birth­day. MR 563238 Zbl 0424.​17007 article

G. Ben­k­art, I. Ka­plansky, K. Mc­Crim­mon, D. J. Salt­man, and G. B. Se­lig­man: “Nath­an Jac­ob­son (1910–1999),” No­tices Amer. Math. Soc. 47 : 9 (2000), pp. 1061–​1071. MR 1777887 Zbl 1028.​01010