Celebratio Mathematica

Georgia Benkart

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Works connected to Soojin Cho

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S. Cho, K.-C. Ha, Y.-O. Kim, and D. Moon: “Key ex­change pro­tocol us­ing mat­rix al­geb­ras and its ana­lys­is,” J. Korean Math. Soc. 42 : 6 (2005), pp. 1287–​1309. MR 2176265 Zbl 1083.​94007 article

S. Cho, E.-K. Jung, and D. Moon: “A hive-mod­el proof of the second re­duc­tion for­mula of Lit­tle­wood–Richard­son coef­fi­cients,” Ann. Comb. 15 : 2 (2011), pp. 223–​231. MR 2813512 Zbl 1233.​05210 article

G. Ben­k­art, S. Cho, and D. Moon: “The com­bin­at­or­ics of A2-webs,” Elec­tron. J. Com­bin. 21 : 2 (2014). Re­search Pa­per 2.25, 33 pages. MR 3210659 Zbl 1300.​05316 ArXiv 1312.​1023 article