Celebratio Mathematica

Georgia Benkart

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Works connected to Hyo Chul Myung

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G. Ben­k­art and J. Stroomer: “A com­bin­at­or­i­al mod­el for tensor products of the spin rep­res­ent­a­tion,” pp. 37–​51 in Had­ron­ic mech­an­ics and non­po­ten­tial in­ter­ac­tions (13–17 Au­gust 1990, Ce­dar Falls, IA), part 1: Math­em­at­ics. Edi­ted by H. C. My­ung. Nova Sci­ence Pub­lish­ers, 1992. MR 1269550 Zbl 0813.​17006 incollection

G. Ben­k­art: “Down-up al­geb­ras and Wit­ten’s de­form­a­tions of the uni­ver­sal en­vel­op­ing al­gebra of sl2,” pp. 29–​45 in Re­cent pro­gress in al­gebra (11–15 Au­gust 1997, Tae­jon, South Korea). Edi­ted by S. G. Hahn, H. C. My­ung, and E. Zel­man­ov. Con­tem­por­ary Math­em­at­ics 224. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 1999. MR 1653061 Zbl 0922.​17007 incollection

G. Ben­k­art, S.-J. Kang, S.-j. Oh, and E. Park: “Con­struc­tion of ir­re­du­cible rep­res­ent­a­tions over Khovan­ov–Lauda–Rouquier al­geb­ras of fi­nite clas­sic­al type,” Int. Math. Res. Not. 2014 : 5 (January 2014), pp. 1312–​1366. In memory of Pro­fess­or Hyo Chul My­ung. MR 3178600 Zbl 1355.​17009 ArXiv 1108.​1048 article