Complete Bibliography
Works connected to Sarah J. Witherspoon
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A Hopf structure for down-up algebras,” Math. Z. 238 : 3 (2001), pp. 523–553. MR 1869697 Zbl 1006.16028 article
: “Representations of two-parameter quantum groups and Schur–Weyl duality,” pp. 65–92 in Hopf algebras (1–3 February 2002, Chicago). Edited by J. Bergen, S. Catoiu, and W. Chin. Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 237. Dekker (New York), 2004. MR 2051731 Zbl 1048.16021 ArXiv math/0108038 incollection
: “Restricted two-parameter quantum groups,” pp. 293–318 in Representations of finite dimensional algebras and related topics in Lie theory and geometry (15 July–10 August 2002, Toronto). Edited by V. Dlab and C. M. Ringel. Fields Institute Communications 40. American Mathematical Society (Providence, RI), 2004. MR 2057401 Zbl 1048.16020 incollection
: “Two-parameter quantum groups and Drinfel’d doubles,” Algebr. Represent. Theory 7 : 3 (2004), pp. 261–286. MR 2070408 Zbl 1113.16041 ArXiv math/0011064 article
: “Quantum group actions, twisting elements, and deformations of algebras,” J. Pure Appl. Algebra 208 : 1 (January 2007), pp. 371–389. MR 2270011 Zbl 1116.16035 ArXiv math/0503310 article
: “Yetter–Drinfeld modules under cocycle twists,” J. Algebra 324 : 11 (December 2010), pp. 2990–3006. To Susan Montgomery in honor of her distinguished career. MR 2732983 Zbl 1223.16011 ArXiv 0908.1563 article
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