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Works connected to Efim Isaakovich Zelmanov
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Lie algebras graded by root systems,” pp. 31–38 in Non-associative algebra and its applications (12–17 July 1993, Oviedo, Spain). Edited by S. González. Mathematics and its Applications 303. Kluwer Academic (Dordrecht), 1994. MR 1338154 Zbl 0826.17030 incollection
: “Lie algebras graded by finite root systems and intersection matrix algebras,” Invent. Math. 126 : 1 (1996), pp. 1–45. MR 1408554 Zbl 0871.17024 article
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Down-up algebras and Witten’s deformations of the universal enveloping algebra of
Cross products, invariants, and centralizers. Preprint, June 2016. Dedicated to Efim Zelmanov on the occasion of his 60th birthday. ArXiv 1606.07588 techreport