Celebratio Mathematica

Georgia Benkart


Suren L. Fernando :Simple weight modules University of Wisconsin at Madison, Ph.D. 1983
Steven Neil Kass :A recursive formula for characters of simple Lie algebras University of Wisconsin at Madison, Ph.D. 1984
Wayne L. Neidhardt :The BGG resolution, character and denominator formulas, and related results for Kac–Moody algebras University of Wisconsin at Madison, Ph.D. 1985
Mark E. Hall :Verma bases of modules for simple Lie algebras University of Wisconsin at Madison, Ph.D. 1987
Jeffrey D. Stroomer :Combinatorics and the representation theory of GL(r,C) and Sp(2r,C) University of Wisconsin at Madison, Ph.D. 1991
Chanyoung Lee Shader :Stability in modules for classical Lie superalgebras University of Wisconsin at Madison, Ph.D. 1992
Karl M. Peters :Non-restricted representations of classical Lie algebras University of Wisconsin at Madison, Ph.D. 1992
Qing-Wen Wang :On the tori and Cartan subalgebras of Lie algebras of Cartan type University of Wisconsin at Madison, Ph.D. 1992
Thomas Michael Halverson :Characters of the centralizer algebras for mixed tensor representations of the general linear group and its q-deformation University of Wisconsin at Madison, Ph.D. 1993
Robert Edgar Leduc :A two-parameter version of the centralizer algebra of the mixed tensor representations of the general linear group and quantum general linear group University of Wisconsin at Madison, Ph.D. 1994
Oliver D. Eng :Fixed points of involutions on Littlemann’s path basis, cosets, and tableaux University of Wisconsin at Madison, Ph.D. 1996
Cheryl Grood :Centralizer algebras and Brauer algebras of type D University of Wisconsin at Madison, Ph.D. 1998
Dong Ho Moon :Schur–Weyl dualities for Lie superalgebras and Lie color algebras University of Wisconsin at Madison, Ph.D. 1998
Jeffrey David Hildebrand :Some results on down-up algebras over fields of prime characteristic University of Wisconsin at Madison, Ph.D. 2000
Matthew Michael Bloss :Partition algebras and permutation representations of wreath products University of Wisconsin at Madison, Ph.D. 2002
Manish Chakrabarti :Representations of modular and quantum Weyl algebras and of generalized Heisenberg algebras University of Wisconsin at Madison, Ph.D. 2003
Samuel Antonio Lopes :On the structure and representation theory of the positive part of the quantized enveloping algebra of a finite-dimensional complex semisimple Lie algebra University of Wisconsin at Madison, Ph.D. 2003
Michael Kekainalu Lau :Fock representations and central extensions University of Wisconsin at Madison, Ph.D. 2004
Shantala Mukherjee :Representations of nilpotent Lie algebras and superalgebras University of Wisconsin at Madison, Ph.D. 2004
Matthew Ondrus :Whittaker modules, central characters, and tensor products for quantum enveloping algebras University of Wisconsin at Madison, Ph.D. 2004
Konstantina Christodoulopoulou :Whittaker modules for Heisenberg and affine Lie algebras University of Wisconsin at Madison, Ph.D. 2007
Sara Madariaga Merino :Envolventes universales de àlgebras de Sabinin Universidad de La Rioja, Ph.D. 2012