Celebratio Mathematica

Elwyn Berlekamp

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H. Kres­sel, E. R. Ber­lekamp, H. K. Bowen, R. M. Dav­is, J. F. En­gel­ber­ger, G. D. Laubach, R. A. Pritzker, R. W. Schmitt, and G. L. Tur­in: Risk and in­nov­a­tion: The role and im­port­ance of small, high-tech com­pan­ies in the U.S. eco­nomy. The Na­tion­al Academies Press (Wash­ing­ton, DC), 1995. by the Na­tion­al Academy of En­gin­eer­ing’s Com­mit­tee on Tech­no­logy, Man­age­ment, and Cap­it­al in Small High-Tech Com­pan­ies. book