Celebratio Mathematica

Elwyn Berlekamp

Complete Bibliography

Works connected to Robert J. McEliece

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E. R. Ber­lekamp, R. J. McE­liece, and H. C. A. van Tilborg: “On the in­her­ent in­tract­ab­il­ity of cer­tain cod­ing prob­lems,” IEEE Trans. In­form­a­tion The­ory 24 : 3 (1978), pp. 384–​386. MR 0495180 Zbl 0377.​94018 article

E. R. Ber­lekamp: “Book Re­view: Robert J. McE­liece, ‘The the­ory of in­form­a­tion and cod­ing: A math­em­at­ic­al frame­work for com­mu­nic­a­tion’,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 84 : 6 (1978), pp. 1351–​1353. MR 1567098 article

E. R. Ber­lekamp and R. J. McE­liece: “Av­er­age case op­tim­ized buf­fered de­coders,” pp. 145–​158 in The im­pact of pro­cessing tech­niques on com­mu­nic­a­tions (Chat­eau de Bo­nas, France, 11–22 Ju­ly 1983). Edi­ted by J. K. Skwirzyn­ski. NATO ASI Series 91. Spring­er (Dordrecht), 1985. incollection

E. R. Ber­lekamp, R. J. Cur­rie, R. J. McE­liece, C. K. Rush­forth, and P. Tong: “An er­ror-con­trol code with an im­bal­ance of ones and zer­os to provide a re­sid­ual car­ri­er com­pon­ent,” pp. 31.1.1–​31.1.4 in Com­mu­nic­a­tions-com­puters: Teamed for the ’90’s (Monterey, CA, 5–9 Oc­to­ber 1986), vol. 2. IEEE (Pis­cat­away, NJ), 1986. incollection