Complete Bibliography
Works connected to Kathryn F. Kuiken
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The mathematical legacy of Wilhelm Magnus: Groups, geometry and special functions (Brooklyn, NY, 1–3 May 1992). Edited by W. Abikoff, J. S. Birman, and K. Kuiken. American Mathematical Society (Providence, RI), 1994. MR 1292894 Zbl 0801.00023 book
Finite-dimensional representations of Artin’s braid group,” pp. 123–132 in The mathematical legacy of Wilhelm Magnus: Groups, geometry and special functions (Brooklyn, NY, 1–3 May 1992). Edited by W. Abikoff, J. S. Birman, and K. Kuiken. Contemporary Mathematics 169. American Mathematical Society (Providence, RI), 1994. MR 1292900 Zbl 0847.20035 incollection
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