by Elias M. Stein
At the occasion of the conference in honor of Alberto Calderón’s seventy-fifth birthday, it is most fitting that we celebrate the mathematical achievements for which he is so much admired. Chief among these is his role in the creation of the modern theory of singular integrals. In that great enterprise he had the good fortune of working with the mathematician who had paramount influence on his scientific life: Antoni Zygmund, at first his teacher, and later his mentor and collaborator. So any account of the modern development of that theory must be in large part the story of the efforts of both Zygmund and Calderón. I will try to present this, following roughly the order of events as they unfolded. My aim will be to explore the goals that inspired and motivated them, describe some of their shared accomplishments and later work, and discuss briefly the wide influence of their achievements.
1.1: Zygmund’s vision: 1927–1949
In the first period his scientific work, from 1923 to the middle 1930s, Zygmund devoted himself to what is now called “classical” harmonic analysis, that is, Fourier and trigonometric series of the circle, related power series of the unit disk, conjugate functions, Riemannian theory connected to uniqueness, lacunary series, etc. An account of much of what he did, as well as the work of his contemporaries and predecessors, is contained in his famous treatise, “Trigonometrical Series,” published in 1953. The time in which this took place may be viewed as the concluding decade of the brilliant century of classical harmonic analysis: the approximately hundred-year span which began with Dirichlet and Riemann, continued with Cantor and Lebesgue among others, and culminated with the achievements of Kolmogorov, M. Riesz, and Hardy and Littlewood. It was during that last decade that Zygmund began to turn his attention from the one-dimensional situation to problems in higher dimensions. At first this represented merely an incidental interest, but then later he followed it with increasing dedication, and eventually it was to become the main focus of his scientific work. I want now to describe how this point of view developed with Zygmund.
In outline, the subject of one-dimensional harmonic analysis as it existed in that period can be understood in terms of what were then three closely interrelated areas of study, and which in many ways represented the central achievements of the theory: real-variable theory, complex analysis, and the behavior of Fourier series. Zygmund’s first excursion into questions of higher dimensions dealt with the key issue of real-variable theory — the averaging of functions. The question was as follows.
The classical theorem of Lebesgue guaranteed that, for almost every
It was at this stage that Zygmund effectively transformed the subject
at hand by an important advance: he proved that the wished-for
conclusion (when the sides are parallel to the axes) held if
This study of the extension of
In describing this special role of complex methods we shall content ourselves with highlighting some of the main points.
1.1.1: The conjugate function and its basic properties
As is well known, the Hilbert transform comes directly from the
Cauchy integral formula. We also recall the fact that M. Riesz
proved the
1.1.2: The theory of the Hardy spaces
These arose in part as substitutes for
1.1.3: The Littlewood–Paley theory
This proceeded by studying the dyadic decomposition in frequency
space and had many applications; among them was the Marcinkiewicz
multiplier theorem. The theory initiated and exploited certain basic
“square functions,” and these we originally studied by complex-variable
techniques closely related to what were used in
1.1.4: The boundary behavior of harmonic functions
The main result obtained here (Privalov 1923
Marcinkiewicz and
Zygmund 1938
and Spencer 1943
stated that for any harmonic function
The crucial first step in the proof was the application of the conformal map (to the unit disk) of the famous sawtooth domain (which is pictured in Zygmund [e36], vol. 2, p. 200).
This mapping allowed one to reduce the implication
It is ironic that complex methods with their great power and success in the one-dimensional theory actually stood in the way of progress to higher dimensions, and appeared to block further progress. The only way past, as Zygmund foresaw, required a further development of “real” methods. Achievement of this objective was to take more than one generation, and in some ways is not yet complete. The mathematician with whom he was to initiate the effort to realize much of this goal was Alberto Calderón.
1.2: Calderón and Zygmund: 1950–1957
Zygmund spent a part of the academic year 1948–49 in Argentina, and there he met Calderón. Zygmund brought him back to the University of Chicago, and soon thereafter (in 1950), under his direction, Calderón obtained his doctoral thesis. The dissertation contained three parts, the first about ergodic theory, which will not concern us here. However, it is the second and third parts that interest us, and these represented breakthroughs in the problem of freeing oneself from complex methods and, in particular, in extending to higher dimensions some of the results described in 1.1.4 above. In a general way we can say that his efforts here already typified the style of much of his later work: he begins by conceiving some simple but fundamental ideas that go to the heart of the matter and then develops and exploits these insights with great power.
In proving
The second idea (used to prove the implication
It may be noted that the above methods and the conclusions they imply
make no use of complex analysis, and are very general in nature. It is also
a fact that these ideas played a significant role in the later real-variable
extension of the
Starting in the year 1950, a close collaboration developed between Calderón
and Zygmund which lasted almost thirty years. While their joint research
dealt with a number of different subjects, their preoccupying interest and
most fundamental contributions were in the area of singular integrals. In this
connection the first issue they addressed was — to put the matter simply — the extension to higher dimensions of the theory of the Hilbert transform.
A real-variable analysis of the Hilbert transform had been carried out by
Besicovitch, Titchmarsh, and
Marcinkiewicz, and this is what needed to be
extended to the
A reasonable candidate for consideration presented itself. It was the
Besides the Hilbert transform (which is the only real example when
All of this is the subject matter of their historic memoir, “On the existence of singular integrals,” which appeared in the Acta Mathematica in 1952. There is probably no paper in the last fifty years which had such widespread influence in analysis. The ideas in this work are now so well known that I will only outline its contents. It can be viewed as having three parts.
First, there is the Calderón–Zygmund lemma, and the corresponding
Calderón–Zygmund decomposition. The main thrust of the former is as
a substitute for
F. Riesz’s “rising sun” lemma, which had implicitly
played a key role in the earlier treatment of the Hilbert transform.
Second, using their decomposition, they then proved the weak-type
It should not detract from one’s great admiration of this work to note two historical anomalies contained in it. The first is the fact that there is no mention of Marcinkiewicz’s interpolation theorem, or to the paper in which it appeared (Marcinkiewicz 1939 [e12]), even though its ideas play a significant role. In the Calderón–Zygmund paper, the special case that is needed is in effect reproved. The explanation for this omission is that Zygmund had simply forgotten about the existence of Marcinkiewicz’s note. To make amends he published (in 1956) an account of Marcinkiewicz’s theorem and various generalizations and extensions he had since found. In it he conceded that the paper of Marcinkiewicz “… seems to have escaped attention and does not find allusion to it in the existing literature.”
The second point, like the first, also involves some very important work
of Marcinkiewicz. He had been Zygmund’s brilliant student and collaborator
until his death at the beginning of World War II. It is a mystery why
no reference was made to the paper Marcinkiewicz
and the multiplier theorem
in it. This theorem had been proved by Marcinkiewicz in an
As has already been indicated, the
To each operator
The basic properties that were proved were, first, the regularity
Also the basic facts of symbolic manipulations
A consequence of the symbolic calculus is the factorizability of any linear
partial differential operator
1.3: Acceptance: 1957–1965
At this stage of my narrative I would like to share some personal reminiscences. I had been a student of Zygmund at University of Chicago, and in 1956 at his suggestion I took my first teaching position at MIT, where Calderón was at that time. I had met Calderón several years earlier when he came to Chicago to speak about the “method of rotations” in Zygmund’s seminar. I still remember my feelings when I saw him there; these first impressions have not changed much over the years: I was struck by the sense of his understated elegance, his reserve, and quiet charisma.
At MIT we would meet quite often and over time an easy conversational relationship developed between us. I do recall that we, in the small group who were interested in singular integrals then, felt a certain separateness from the larger community of analysts — not that this isolation was self-imposed, but more because our subject matter was seen by our colleagues as somewhat arcane, rarefied, and possibly not very relevant. However, this did change, and a fuller acceptance eventually came. I want to relate now how this occurred.
Starting from the calculus of singular integral operators that he had worked out with Zygmund, Calderón obtained a number of important applications to hyperbolic and elliptic equations. His most dramatic achievement was in the uniqueness of the Cauchy problem (Calderón [7]). There he succeeded in a broad and decisive extension of the results of Holmgren (for the case of analytic coefficients), and Carleman (in the case of two dimensions). Calderón’s theorem can be formulated as follows.
Calderón’s approach was to reduce matters to a key
“pseudo-differential inequality” (in a terminology that was used
later). This inequality is complicated, but somewhat reminiscent of a
differential inequality that Carleman had used in two dimensions.
The essence of it is that
The proof of assertions like
The paper of Calderón was, at first, not well received. In fact, I learned from him that it was rejected when submitted to what was then the leading journal in partial differential equations, Commentaries of [i.e., Communications on] Pure and Applied Mathematics.
At about that time, because of the
applicability of singular integrals to partial differential
equations, Calderón became interested in formulating the facts about
singular integrals in the setting of manifolds. This required the
analysis of the effect coordinate changes had on such operators. A
hint that the problem was tractable came from the observation that the
class of kernels,
R. Seeley was Calderón’s student at that time, and he dealt with this
problem in his thesis (see Seeley
The result of Seeley was not only highly satisfactory as to its conclusions, but it was also very timely in terms of events that were about to take place. Following an intervention by Gelfand [e19], interest grew in calculating the “index” of an elliptic operator on a manifold. This index is the difference of the dimension of the null-space and the codimension of the range of the operator, and is an invariant under deformations. The problem of determining it was connected with a number of interesting issues in geometry and topology. The result of the “Seeley calculus” proved quite useful in this context: the proofs proceeded by appropriate deformations and matters were facilitated if these could be carried out in the more flexible context of “general” symbols, instead of restricting attention to the polynomial symbols coming from differential operators. A contemporaneous account of this development (during the period 1961–64), may be found in the notes of the seminar on the Atiyah–Singer index theorem (see [e23]); for an historical survey of some of the background, see also [e26].
With the activity surrounding the index theorem, it suddenly seemed as if everyone was interested in the algebra of singular integral operators. However, one further step was needed to make this a household tool for analysts: it required a change of point of view. Even though this change of perspective was not major, it was significant psychologically and methodologically, since it allowed one to think more simply about certain aspects of the subject and because it suggested various extensions.
The idea was merely to change the role of the definitions of the operators,
Although the two operators are identical (when
To do this, one might adopt a wider class of symbols of
“homogeneous-type”: roughly speaking,
The change in point of view described above came into its full
flowering with the papers of Kohn and Nirenberg
and Hörmander
(after some work by
Unterberger and
and Seeley
It is in this way that singular integrals were subsumed by
pseudo-differential operators. Despite this, singular integrals, with
their formulation in terms of kernels, still retained their primacy
when treating real-variable issues, issues such as
1.4: Calderón’s new theory of singular integrals: 1965–
In the years 1957–58 there appeared the fundamental work of
DeGiorgi and
Nash, dealing with smoothness of solutions of partial
differential equations, with minimal assumptions of regularity of the
coefficients. One of the most striking results — for elliptic
equations — was that any solution
Calderón was intrigued by this result. He initially expected, as he told
me, that one could obtain such conclusions and others by refining the
calculus of singular integral operators
The first major insight arose in answer to the following:
In a remarkable paper, Calderón [1965]
showed that this is also the case
more generally. The key case, containing the essence of the result he proved,
arose when
There are two crucial points that I want to emphasize about the proof of
this theorem. The first is the reduction of the boundedness of the bilinear
The second major point in the proof is the assertion need to establish
Despite the success in proving
Calderón’s theorem also gave added impetus to the further evolution of
the real-variable
It became clear after a time that understanding the commutator
The crowning result came in 1982, when Coifman and
Meyer having enlisted the help of
McIntosh, and relying on some of
their earlier ideas, together proved the desired result without
limitation on the size of
The major achievement represented by the theory of the Cauchy integral led to a host of other results, either by a rather direct exploitation of the conclusions involved, or by extensions of the techniques that were used. I will briefly discuss two of these developments.
The first was a complete analysis of the
The argument giving the sufficiency proceeded in decomposing the
operator into a sum,
The conditions of the David–Journé theorem, while applying in
principle to the Cauchy integral, are not easily verified in that
case. However, a refinement (the “
A second area
that was substantially influenced by the work of the Cauchy integral
was that of second-order elliptic equations in the context of minimal
regularity. Side by side with the consideration of the divergence-form
The decisive application of the Cauchy integral to the
potential theory of the Laplacian in a Lipschitz domain was in the
study of the boundedness of the double layer potential (and the normal
derivative of the single layer potential). These are
Finally, we return to the point where much of this began — the
divergence-form equation
1.5: Some perspectives on singular integrals: past, present, and future
The modern theory of singular integrals, developed and nurtured by Calderón and Zygmund, has proved to be a very fruitful part of analysis. Beyond the achievements described above, a number of other directions have been cultivated with great success, with work being vigorously pursued up to this time; in addition, here several interesting open questions present themselves. I want to allude briefly to three of these directions and mention some of the problems that arise.
1.5.1: Method of the Calderón–Zygmund lemma
As is well known, this method
consists of decomposing an integrable function into its “good” and “bad”
parts; the latter being supported on a disjoint union of cubes, and having
mean-value zero on each cube. Together with an
It was recognized quite early that this method allowed substantial extension. The generalizations that were undertaken were not so much pursued for their own sake but rather were motivated in each case by the interest of the applications. Roughly, in order of appearance, here were some of the main instances:
The heat equation and other parabolic equations. This began with the work of F. Jones [e20] for the heat equation, with the Calderón–Zygmund cubes replaced by rectangles whose dimensions reflected the homogeneity of the heat operator. The theory was extended by Fabes and Rivière to encompass more general singular integrals respecting “nonisotropic” homogeneity in Euclidean spaces.
Symmetric spaces and semisimple Lie groups. To be succinct, the crucial point was the extension to the setting of nilpotent Lie groups with dilations (“homogeneous groups”), motivated by problems connected with Poisson integrals on symmetric spaces, and construction of intertwining operators.
Several complex variables and subelliptic equations. Here we return again to the source of singular integrals, complex analysis, but now in the setting of several variables. An important conclusion attained was that for a broad class of domains in
, the Cauchy–Szegö projection is a singular integral, susceptible to the above methods. This was realized first for strongly pseudo-convex domains, next weakly pseudo-convex domains of finite type in ; and more recently, convex domains of finite-type in . Connected with this is the application of the above ideas to the -Neumann problem, and its boundary analogue for certain domains in , as well as the study solving operators for subelliptic problems, such as Kohn’s Laplacian, Hörmander’s sum of squares, etc.; these matters also involved using ideas originating in the study of nilpotent groups as in (ii).
The three kinds of extensions mentioned above are prime examples of
what one may call “one-parameter” analysis. This terminology refers
to the fact that the cubes (or their containing balls), which occur in
the standard
Problem: Describe the nature of the singular integrals
operators which are given by Cauchy–Szegö projection, as well as
those that arise in connection with the solving operators for the
Some speculation about what may be involved in resolving this question can be found below.
1.5.2: The method of rotations
The method of rotations is both simple in its
conception, and far-reaching in its consequences. The initial idea was to take
the one-dimensional Hilbert transform, induce it on a fixed (subgroup)
In much the same way the general maximal operator
This method worked very well for
A common unresolved enigma remains about these two areas which have sprung out of the method of rotations. This is a question which has intrigued workers in the field, and whose solution, if positive, would be of great interest.
Is there an
theory for and if is merely integrable? 2Are the singular Radon transforms, and their corresponding maximal functions, of weak-type
1.5.3: Product theory and multiparameter analysis
To oversimplify matters,
one can say that “product theory” is that part of harmonic analysis in
The product theory of
Finally, I want to come to an extension of the product theory (more
precisely, the induced “multiparameter analysis”) in a direction
which has particularly interested me recently. Here the point is that
the underlying space is no longer Euclidean
1.6: Bibliographical notes
I wish to provide here some additional citations of the literature closely connected to the material I have covered. However, these notes are not meant to be in any sense a systematic survey of relevant work.
Zygmung [e36] is a greatly revised and expanded second edition of his 1935 book. His initial work on the strong maximal function is in Zygmung [e6]. His views about the central role of complex methods in Fourier analysis are explained in Zygmung [e14]. A historical survey of square functions and an account of Zygmund’s work in this area can be found in Stein [e43].
The theory of para-products was developed later in
The general form of Cotlar’s lemma,
In Kenig
the reader will find an exposition of the area dealing with
the operator
In connection with (ii), the reader may consult
For the
occurrence of Calderón–Zygmund-type singular integrals on
strictly-pseudo-convex domains, see
C. Fefferman
and Folland and Stein
Some corresponding results for domains in
Regarding the Calderón–Zygmund lemma, two further
sources should be cited. In Coifman and Weiss
the use of this
method on spaces of a general character is systematized. The work of
C. Fefferman
contains an important departure regarding the
Calderón–Zygmund method, involving certain additional