Celebratio Mathematica

Alberto Pedro Calderón

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Works connected to Antoni Zygmund

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A. P. Caldéron, A. González Domínguez, and A. Zyg­mund: “Nota sobre los valores límites de fun­ciones analít­ic­as” [Note on the lim­it val­ues of ana­lyt­ic func­tions], Rev­ista Unión Mat. Ar­gen­tina 14 (1949), pp. 16–​19. MR 0031550 Zbl 0033.​05901 article

A. P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “Note on the bound­ary val­ues of func­tions of sev­er­al com­plex vari­ables,” pp. 145–​165 in A. Zyg­mund, W. Tran­sue, M. Morse, A. P. Calder­ón, and S. Boch­ner: Con­tri­bu­tions to Four­i­er ana­lys­is. An­nals of Math­em­at­ics Stud­ies 25. Prin­ceton Uni­versity Press (Prin­ceton, NJ), 1950. MR 0035833 Zbl 0040.​04001 incollection

A. P. Caldéron: I: On the er­god­ic the­or­ems; II: On the be­ha­vi­or of har­mon­ic func­tions at the bound­ary; III: On the the­or­em of Mar­cinkiewicz and Zyg­mund. Ph.D. thesis, Uni­versity of Chica­go, 1950. Ad­vised by A. Zyg­mund. Part II had earli­er been pub­lished in Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 68:1 (1950). Part III had also earli­er been pub­lished in Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 68:1 (1950). MR 2611391 phdthesis

A. P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “On the the­or­em of Haus­dorff–Young and its ex­ten­sions,” pp. 166–​188 in A. Zyg­mund, W. Tran­sue, M. Morse, A. P. Calder­ón, and S. Boch­ner: Con­tri­bu­tions to Four­i­er ana­lys­is. An­nals of Math­em­at­ics Stud­ies 25. Prin­ceton Uni­versity Press, 1950. MR 0037395 Zbl 0040.​02902 incollection

A. P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “A note on the in­ter­pol­a­tion of lin­ear op­er­a­tions,” Stu­dia Math. 12 (1951), pp. 194–​204. MR 0046567 Zbl 0044.​11902 article

A. P. Cal­der­on and A. Zyg­mund: “On the ex­ist­ence of cer­tain sin­gu­lar in­teg­rals,” Acta Math. 88 (December 1952), pp. 85–​139. Ded­ic­ated to Pro­fess­or Mar­cel Riesz, on the oc­ca­sion of his 65th birth­day. MR 0052553 Zbl 0047.​10201 article

A. P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “Sin­gu­lar in­teg­rals and peri­od­ic func­tions,” Stu­dia Math. 14 (1953–1954), pp. 249–​271. MR 0069310 Zbl 0064.​10401 article

A. P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “On a prob­lem of Mih­lin,” Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 78 : 1 (1955), pp. 209–​224. An ad­denda to this was pa­per pub­lished in Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 84:2 (1957). MR 0068028 Zbl 0065.​04104 article

A. P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “Al­geb­ras of cer­tain sin­gu­lar op­er­at­ors,” Am. J. Math. 78 : 2 (April 1956), pp. 310–​320. MR 0087810 Zbl 0072.​11601 article

A. P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “On sin­gu­lar in­teg­rals,” Am. J. Math. 78 : 2 (April 1956), pp. 289–​309. MR 0084633 Zbl 0072.​11501 article

A. P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “A note on the in­ter­pol­a­tion of sub­lin­ear op­er­a­tions,” Am. J. Math. 78 : 2 (April 1956), pp. 282–​288. MR 0082647 Zbl 0071.​33601 article

A. P. Cal­der­on and A. Zyg­mund: “Ad­denda to the pa­per ‘On a prob­lem of Mih­lin’,” Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 84 : 2 (March 1957), pp. 559–​560. Ad­denda to a pa­per pub­lished in Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 78:1 (1955). MR 0084634 Zbl 0077.​27204 article

A.-P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “Sin­gu­lar in­teg­ral op­er­at­ors and dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions,” Am. J. Math. 79 : 4 (October 1957), pp. 901–​921. MR 0100768 Zbl 0081.​33502 article

A.-P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “A note on loc­al prop­er­ties of solu­tions of el­lipt­ic dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 46 : 10 (October 1960), pp. 1385–​1389. An ex­pan­ded ver­sion of this was pub­lished in Stu­dia Math. 20:2 (1961). MR 0140829 Zbl 0196.​40501 article

A.-P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “Loc­al prop­er­ties of solu­tions of el­lipt­ic par­tial dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions,” Stu­dia Math. 20 : 2 (1961), pp. 171–​225. This ex­pands on an art­icle pub­lished in Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 46:10 (1960). MR 0136849 Zbl 0099.​30103 article

A.-P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “On the dif­fer­en­ti­ab­il­ity of func­tions which are of bounded vari­ation in Ton­elli’s sense,” Rev. Un. Mat. Ar­gen­tina 20 (1962), pp. 102–​121. MR 0151557 Zbl 0116.​31804 article

A.-P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “On high­er gradi­ents of har­mon­ic func­tions,” pp. 57–​60 in Out­lines of the joint So­viet-Amer­ic­an sym­posi­um on par­tial dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions (Nov­os­ibirsk, Au­gust 1963). Academy of Sci­ences of the USSR, Siberi­an Branch (Mo­scow), 1963. A ver­sion of this was later pub­lished in Stu­dia Math. 24:2 (1964). MR 0214798 incollection

A.-P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “On high­er gradi­ents of har­mon­ic func­tions,” Stu­dia Math. 24 : 2 (1964), pp. 211–​226. An earli­er ver­sion of this was pub­lished in Out­lines of the joint So­viet-Amer­ic­an sym­posi­um on par­tial dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions (1963). MR 0167631 Zbl 0168.​37002 article

A. P. Calder­ón, M. Weiss, and A. Zyg­mund: “On the ex­ist­ence of sin­gu­lar in­teg­rals,” pp. 56–​73 in Sin­gu­lar in­teg­rals (Chica­go, 20–22 April 1966). Edi­ted by A. P. Calder­ón. Pro­ceed­ings of Sym­po­sia in Pure Math­em­at­ics 10. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 1967. An ad­dendum to this art­icle was pub­lished in Stu­dia Math. 46:3 (1973). MR 0338709 Zbl 0167.​12202 incollection

A. P. Calder­ón: “Es­tim­ates for sin­gu­lar in­teg­ral op­er­at­ors in terms of max­im­al func­tions,” Stu­dia Math. 44 : 6 (1972), pp. 563–​582. Ded­ic­ated to Pro­fess­or Ant­oni Zyg­mund. MR 0348555 Zbl 0222.​44007 article

A. P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “Ad­dendum to the pa­per ‘On sin­gu­lar in­teg­rals’,” Stu­dia Math. 46 : 3 (1973), pp. 297–​299. Ad­dendum to an art­icle pub­lished in Sin­gu­lar in­teg­rals (1967). Er­rata for this ad­dendum were pub­lished in Stu­dia Math. 47:3 (1973). MR 0338710 Zbl 0263.​44003 article

A. P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “Er­rata: ‘Ad­dendum to the pa­per ‘On sin­gu­lar in­teg­rals’ ’,” Stu­dia Math. 47 : 3 (1973), pp. 305. Er­rata for an ad­dendum pub­lished in Stu­dia Math. 46:3 (1973). MR 0338711 Zbl 0263.​44004 article

A.-P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “On sin­gu­lar in­teg­rals with vari­able ker­nels,” Ap­pl. Anal. 7 : 3 (1977–1978), pp. 221–​238. Ded­ic­ated to S. G. Mikhil­in on the oc­ca­sion of his 70th birth­day. MR 0511145 Zbl 0451.​42012 article

A.-P. Calder­ón and A. Zyg­mund: “A note on sin­gu­lar in­teg­rals,” Stu­dia Math. 65 : 1 (1979), pp. 77–​87. MR 554542 Zbl 0431.​42007 article

Con­fer­ence on har­mon­ic ana­lys­is in hon­or of Ant­oni Zyg­mund (Chica­go, 23–28 March 1981), vol. 1 and 2. Edi­ted by W. Beck­ner, A. P. Calder­ón, R. Fef­fer­man, and P. W. Jones. Wadsworth Math­em­at­ics Series. Wadsworth (Bel­mont, CA), 1983. MR 0730053 Zbl 0493.​00009 book

A. P. Calder­ón: “Ant­oni Zyg­mund,” pp. xiii–​xv in Con­fer­ence on har­mon­ic ana­lys­is in hon­or of Ant­oni Zyg­mund (Chica­go, IL, 23–28 March 1981), vol. 2. Edi­ted by W. Beck­ner, A. P. Calder­ón, R. Fef­fer­man, and P. W. Jones. Wadsworth Math­em­at­ics Series. Wadsworth (Bel­mont, CA), 1983. MR 730054 Zbl 0532.​42001 incollection

A. P. Calder­ón: “On the Radon trans­form and some of its gen­er­al­iz­a­tions,” pp. 673–​689 in Con­fer­ence on har­mon­ic ana­lys­is in hon­or of Ant­oni Zyg­mund (Chica­go, IL, 23–28 March 1981), vol. 2. Edi­ted by W. Beck­ner, A. P. Calder­ón, R. Fef­fer­man, and P. W. Jones. Wadsworth Math­em­at­ics Series. Wadsworth (Bel­mont, CA), 1983. MR 730101 Zbl 0508.​43004 incollection

Con­fer­ence on har­mon­ic ana­lys­is in hon­or of Ant­oni Zyg­mund (Chica­go, IL, 23–28 March 1981), vol. 2. Edi­ted by W. Beck­ner, A. P. Calder­ón, R. Fef­fer­man, and P. W. Jones. Wadsworth Math­em­at­ics Series. Wadsworth (Bel­mont, CA), 1983. book

A. P. Calder­ón and E. M. Stein: “Ant­oni Zyg­mund: 1900–1992,” No­tices Am. Math. Soc. 39 : 8 (1992), pp. 848–​849. MR 1182969 Zbl 1194.​01074 article

A. Carbery: “Har­mon­ic ana­lys­is of the Calder­ón–Zyg­mund school, 1970–1993,” Bull. Lon­don Math. Soc. 30 : 1 (1998), pp. 11–​23. MR 1479031 article