Celebratio Mathematica

Kai Lai Chung

Markov processes

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K. L. Chung: “The gen­er­al the­ory of Markov pro­cesses ac­cord­ing to Doeblin,” Z. Wahr­schein­lich­keit­s­the­or­ie und Verw. Ge­bi­ete 2 : 3 (1964), pp. 230–​254. MR 0166835 Zbl 0119.​34604 article

K. L. Chung and J. L. Doob: “Fields, op­tion­al­ity and meas­ur­ab­il­ity,” Amer. J. Math. 87 : 2 (April 1965), pp. 397–​424. MR 0214121 Zbl 0192.​24604 article

K. L. Chung: “Markov pro­cesses with in­fin­it­ies,” pp. 23–​32 in Markov pro­cesses and po­ten­tial the­ory (Math­em­at­ic­al Re­search Cen­ter (U.S. Army) at Uni­versity of Wis­con­sin, Madis­on, WI, May 1–3, 1967). Edi­ted by J. Chover. Wiley (New York), 1967. MR 0231447 Zbl 0189.​17703 incollection

K. L. Chung and J. B. Walsh: “To re­verse a Markov pro­cess,” Acta Math. 123 : 1 (1969), pp. 225–​251. MR 0258114 Zbl 0187.​41302 article

K. L. Chung: “On di­verse ques­tions of time re­vers­ing in Markov chains (and pro­cesses),” pp. 165–​175 in Pro­ceed­ings of the twelfth bi­en­ni­al sem­in­ar of the Ca­na­dian Math­em­at­ic­al Con­gress on time series and stochast­ic pro­cesses, con­vex­ity and com­bin­at­or­ics (Uni­versity of Brit­ish Columbia, Van­couver, BC, Au­gust 11–27, 1969). Edi­ted by R. Pyke. Ca­na­dian Math­em­at­ic­al Con­gress (Montreal), 1970. MR 0310976 Zbl 0235.​60061 inproceedings

K. L. Chung: “On the fun­da­ment­al hy­po­theses of Hunt pro­cesses,” pp. 43–​52 in Con­ve­gno di cal­colo delle prob­ab­il­ità (IN­DAM, Rome, March–April, 1971). Edi­ted by F. Severi. Sym­po­sia Math­em­at­ica IX. Aca­dem­ic Press (Lon­don), 1972. MR 0359019 Zbl 0242.​60031 incollection

K. L. Chung: “Some uni­ver­sal field equa­tions,” pp. 90–​97 in Sémin­aire de Prob­ab­il­ités VI (Uni­versité de Stras­bourg, an­née uni­versitaire 1970–1971). Edi­ted by A. Dold and B. Eck­mann. Lec­ture Notes in Math­em­at­ics 258. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 1972. MR 0372973 Zbl 0238.​60034 incollection

K. L. Chung and J. B. Walsh: “Mey­er’s the­or­em on pre­dict­ab­il­ity,” Z. Wahr­schein­lich­keit­s­the­or­ie und Verw. Ge­bi­ete 29 : 3 (1974), pp. 253–​256. MR 0370787 Zbl 0284.​60069 article

K. L. Chung and J. Glover: “Left con­tinu­ous mod­er­ate Markov pro­cesses,” Z. Wahr­sch. Verw. Ge­bi­ete 49 : 3 (1979), pp. 237–​248. MR 547825 Zbl 0413.​60063 article

K. L. Chung: “Doubly-Feller pro­cess with mul­ti­plic­at­ive func­tion­al,” pp. 63–​78 in Sem­in­ar on stochast­ic pro­cesses, 1985 (Uni­versity of Flor­ida, Gaines­ville, FL, March, 1985). Edi­ted by E. Çin­lar, K. L. Chung, R. K. Getoor, and J. Glover. Pro­gress in Prob­ab­il­ity and Stat­ist­ics 12. Birkhäuser (Bo­ston, MA), 1986. MR 896735 Zbl 0603.​60066 incollection