Celebratio Mathematica

Ingrid Daubechies

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Works connected to Bruno Cornelis

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B. Cor­nel­is, A. Dooms, I. Daubech­ies, and P. Schelkens: Re­port on di­git­al im­age pro­cessing for art his­tor­i­ans, 2009. In on­line pro­ceed­ings “SAMPTA’09: SAMPling The­ory and Ap­plic­a­tions,” L. Fes­quet and B. Torrésani, eds. (Mar­seille, France, 18–22 May 2009). misc

L. Platiša, B. Cor­nel­is, T. Ružić, A. Pižur­ica, A. Dooms, M. Martens, M. De Mey, and I. Daubech­ies: “Spa­tio­gram fea­tures to char­ac­ter­ize pearls in paint­ings,” pp. 801–​804 in 18th IEEE in­ter­na­tion­al con­fer­ence on im­age pro­cessing (Brus­sels, 11–14 Septem­ber 2011). IEEE (Pis­cat­away, NJ), 2011. incollection

T. Ružić, B. Cor­nel­is, L. Platiša, A. Pižur­ica, A. Dooms, W. Philips, M. Martens, M. De Mey, and I. Daubech­ies: “Vir­tu­al res­tor­a­tion of the Ghent Al­tarpiece us­ing crack de­tec­tion and in­paint­ing,” pp. 417–​428 in Ad­vanced con­cepts for in­tel­li­gent vis­ion sys­tems: 13th in­ter­na­tion­al con­fer­ence (Ghent, Bel­gi­um, 22–25 Au­gust 2011). Edi­ted by J. Blanc-Talon, R. Klei­horst, W. Philips, D. Popes­cu, and P. Sch­eun­ders. Lec­ture Notes in Com­puter Sci­ence 6915. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 2011. incollection

B. Cor­nel­is, Y. Yang, J. T. Vo­gel­stein, A. Dooms, I. Daubech­ies, and D. Dun­son: “Bayesian crack de­tec­tion in ul­tra high res­ol­u­tion mul­timod­al im­ages of paint­ings,” pp. 1–​8 in 18th in­ter­na­tion­al con­fer­ence on di­git­al sig­nal pro­cessing (Fira, Greece, 1–3 Ju­ly 2013). IEEE (Pis­cat­away, NJ), 2013. ArXiv 1304.​5894 incollection

B. Cor­nel­is, T. Ružić, E. Gezels, A. Dooms, A. Pižur­ica, L. Platiša, J. Cor­nel­is, M. Martens, M. De Mey, and I. Daubech­ies: “Crack de­tec­tion and in­paint­ing for vir­tu­al res­tor­a­tion of paint­ings: The case of the Ghent Al­tarpiece,” Sig­nal Pro­cessing 93 : 3 (March 2013), pp. 605–​619. article

B. Cor­nel­is, A. Dooms, I. Daubech­ies, and D. Dun­son: “Bayesian crack de­tec­tion in high res­ol­u­tion data,” pp. 16–​18 in Pro­ceed­ings of the second “in­ter­na­tion­al Trav­el­ing Work­shop on In­ter­ac­tions between Sparse mod­els and Tech­no­logy” (iTWIST’14). 2014. incollection

L. Jacques, C. De Vleeschouwer, Y. Bour­si­er, P. Sud­hakar, C. De Mol, A. Pizur­ica, S. An­thoine, P. Vandergheynst, P. Fross­ard, C. Bi­len, S. Kit­ic, N. Bertin, R. Gribon­val, N. Bou­mal, B. Mishra, P.-A. Ab­sil, R. Sep­ulchre, S. Bunder­voet, C. Schret­ter, A. Dooms, P. Schelkens, O. Chabiron, F. Malgouyres, J.-Y. Tourn­er­et, P. Dobi­geon, N. Chainais, C. Richard, B. Cor­nel­is, I. Daubech­ies, D. Dun­son, M. Dankova, P. Ra­jm­ic, K. De­graux, V. Cam­bareri, B. Geelen, G. La­fruit, G. Setti, J.-F. De­ter­me, J. Louveaux, F. Horlin, A. Drémeau, P. Heas, C. Herz­et, V. Duval, G. Peyré, A. Fawzi, M. Dav­ies, N. Gil­lis, S. A. Vavas­is, C. Soussen, L. Le Ma­goarou, J. Li­ang, J. Fadili, A. Li­utkus, D. Mar­tina, S. Gi­gan, L. Daudet, M. Mag­gioni, S. Min­sker, N. Strawn, C. Mory, F. Ngole, J.-L. Star­ck, I. Lor­is, S. Vaiter, M. Gol­babaee, and D. Vuko­bratovic: Pro­ceed­ings of the second “in­ter­na­tion­al Trav­el­ing Work­shop on In­ter­ac­tions between Sparse mod­els and Tech­no­logy” (iTWIST’14). Pre­print, October 2014. Namur, Bel­gi­um, 27–29 Au­gust 2014. techreport

R. Yin, D. Dun­son, B. Cor­nel­is, B. Brown, N. Ocon, and I. Daubech­ies: “Di­git­al cradle re­mov­al in X-ray im­ages of art paint­ings,” pp. 4299–​4303 in 2014 IEEE in­ter­na­tion­al con­fer­ence on im­age pro­cessing (ICIP) (Par­is, 27–30 Oc­to­ber 2014). IEEE (Pis­cat­away, NJ), 2014. incollection

A. Pižur­ica, L. Platiša, T. Ružić, B. Cor­nel­is, A. Dooms, M. Martens, H. Dubois, B. De­volder, M. D. Mey, and I. Daubech­ies: “Di­git­al im­age pro­cessing of The Ghent Al­tarpiece: Sup­port­ing the paint­ing’s study and con­ser­va­tion treat­ment,” IEEE Sig­nal Pro­cess. Mag. 32 : 4 (July 2015), pp. 112–​122. article

N. De­li­gi­an­nis, J. F. C. Mota, B. Cor­nel­is, M. R. D. Rodrig­ues, and I. Daubech­ies: “X-ray im­age sep­ar­a­tion via coupled dic­tion­ary learn­ing,” pp. 3533–​3537 in 2016 IEEE in­ter­na­tion­al con­fer­ence on im­age pro­cessing (Phoenix, AZ, 25–28 Septem­ber 2016). IEEE (Pis­cat­away, NJ), 2016. ArXiv 1605.​06474 incollection

R. Yin, B. Cor­nel­is, G. Fodor, N. Ocon, D. Dun­son, and I. Daubech­ies: “Re­mov­ing cradle ar­ti­facts in X-ray im­ages of paint­ings,” SIAM J. Ima­ging Sci. 9 : 3 (2016), pp. 1247–​1272. MR 3541996 Zbl 06665850 article

B. Cor­nel­is, H. Yang, A. Good­friend, N. Ocon, J. Lu, and I. Daubech­ies: “Re­mov­al of can­vas pat­terns in di­git­al ac­quis­i­tions of paint­ings,” IEEE Trans. Im­age Pro­cess. 26 : 1 (2017), pp. 160–​171. MR 3579347 article

N. De­li­gi­an­nis, J. F. C. Mota, B. Cor­nel­is, M. R. D. Rodrig­ues, and I. Daubech­ies: “Multi-mod­al dic­tion­ary learn­ing for im­age sep­ar­a­tion with ap­plic­a­tion in art in­vest­ig­a­tion,” IEEE Trans. Im­age Pro­cess. 26 : 2 (2017), pp. 751–​764. MR 3604821 ArXiv 1607.​04147 article

G. Fodor, B. Cor­nel­is, R. Yin, A. Dooms, and I. Daubech­ies: “Cradle re­mov­al in X-ray im­ages of pan­el paint­ings,” IPOL J. Im­age Pro­cess. On­line 7 (2017), pp. 23–​42. MR 3608123 article