Celebratio Mathematica

Ingrid Daubechies

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Works connected to Massimo Fornasier

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I. Daubech­ies, R. DeVore, M. For­nas­i­er, and S. Gun­turk: “It­er­at­ively re-weighted least squares min­im­iz­a­tion: Proof of faster than lin­ear rate for sparse re­cov­ery,” pp. 26–​29 in 2008 42nd an­nu­al con­fer­ence on in­form­a­tion sci­ences and sys­tems (Prin­ceton, NJ, 19–21 March 2008). IEEE (Pis­cat­away, NJ), 2008. incollection

I. Daubech­ies, M. For­nas­i­er, and I. Lor­is: “Ac­cel­er­ated pro­jec­ted gradi­ent meth­od for lin­ear in­verse prob­lems with sparsity con­straints,” J. Four­i­er Anal. Ap­pl. 14 : 5–​6 (2008), pp. 764–​792. MR 2461606 Zbl 1175.​65062 ArXiv 0706.​4297 article

I. Daubech­ies, R. DeVore, M. For­nas­i­er, and C. S. Güntürk: “It­er­at­ively re­weighted least squares min­im­iz­a­tion for sparse re­cov­ery,” Comm. Pure Ap­pl. Math. 63 : 1 (2010), pp. 1–​38. MR 2588385 Zbl 1202.​65046 ArXiv 0807.​0575 article

M. For­nas­i­er, J. Vy­bíral, and I. Daubech­ies: Ro­bust and re­source ef­fi­cient iden­ti­fic­a­tion of shal­low neur­al net­works by few­est samples. Pre­print, April 2018. ArXiv 1804.​01592 techreport