Celebratio Mathematica

Ingrid Daubechies

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Works connected to Harold Hwa-Ling Szu

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I. Daubech­ies: “Re­cent res­ults in wave­let ap­plic­a­tions,” pp. 2–​9 in Wave­let ap­plic­a­tions V (Or­lando, FL, 14–16 April 1998). Edi­ted by H. H. Szu. Pro­ceed­ings of the So­ci­ety of Photo-Op­tic­al In­stru­ment­a­tion En­gin­eers 3391. 1998. Also pub­lished om J. Elec­tron. Ima­ging 7:4 (1998). incollection