Celebratio Mathematica

Ingrid Daubechies

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Works connected to Wei Zhu

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W. Zhu, Q. Qiu, J. Huang, R. Calderb­ank, G. Sa­piro, and I. Daubech­ies: “LDM­Net: Low di­men­sion­al man­i­fold reg­u­lar­ized neur­al net­works,” pp. 2743–​2751 in 2018 IEEE/CVF con­fer­ence on com­puter vis­ion and pat­tern re­cog­ni­tion (Salt Lake City, UT, 18–23 June 2018). IEEE (Pis­cat­away, NJ), 2018. ArXiv 1711.​06246 incollection

W. Zhu, Q. Qiu, B. Wang, J. Lu, G. Sa­piro, and I. Daubech­ies: “Stop mem­or­iz­ing: A data-de­pend­ent reg­u­lar­iz­a­tion frame­work for in­trins­ic pat­tern learn­ing,” Siam J. Math. Data Sci. 1 : 3 (2019), pp. 479–​496. MR 3996914 ArXiv 1805.​07291 article

W. Zhu and I. Daubech­ies: Con­struct­ing curve­let-like bases and low-re­dund­ancy frames. Pre­print, October 2019. ArXiv 1910.​06418 techreport