Celebratio Mathematica

Michael H. Freedman

Topology in dimension 3

Works connected to V. Slava Krushkal

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M. H. Freed­man and V. S. Krushkal: “Notes on ends of hy­per­bol­ic 3-man­i­folds” in Thir­teenth an­nu­al work­shop in geo­met­ric to­po­logy (Col­or­ado Springs, CO, June 13–15, 1996). The Col­or­ado Col­lege, 1997. In­form­al pub­lic­a­tion of The Col­or­ado Col­lege, 1997.

article M. Freed­man and V. Krushkal: “On the asymp­tot­ics of quantum \( \mathit{SU}(2) \) rep­res­ent­a­tions of map­ping class groups,” For­um Math. 18 : 2 (2006), pp. 293–​304. MR 2218422 Zbl 1120.​57014