Celebratio Mathematica

Andrew Mattei Gleason

Andrew Gleason 1921–2008

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E. D. Bolk­er and A. M. Gleason: “Count­ing per­muta­tions,” J. Comb. The­ory, Ser. A 29 : 2 (September 1980), pp. 236–​242. MR 583962 Zbl 0439.​05003 article

A. M. Gleason: “Angle tri­sec­tion, the hep­tagon, and the triskai­deca­gon,” Am. Math. Mon. 95 : 3 (1988), pp. 185–​194. Ded­ic­ated to Dav­id Ver­non Wid­der on his 90th birth­day. Ad­denda to this art­icle were pub­lished in Am. Math. Mon. 95:10 (1988). MR 935432 Zbl 0661.​51013 article