Celebratio Mathematica

Benedict H. Gross

Dick Gross’s marvelous mentoring

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B. H. Gross and D. B. Za­gi­er: “On sin­gu­lar mod­uli,” J. Reine An­gew. Math. 355 (1985), pp. 191–​220. Ded­ic­ated to J.-P. Serre. MR 772491 Zbl 0545.​10015 article

B. H. Gross and D. B. Za­gi­er: “Hee­gn­er points and de­riv­at­ives of L-series,” In­vent. Math. 84 (1986), pp. 225–​320. To John Tate. This work ex­pands on a short note pub­lished in C. R. Acad. Sci., Par­is 297 (1983). Part II was pub­lished in Math. Ann. 278 (1987). MR 833192 Zbl 0608.​14019 article

B. H. Gross: “Kolyva­gin’s work on mod­u­lar el­lipt­ic curves,” pp. 235–​256 in L-func­tions and arith­met­ic (Durham, UK, 30 June–11 Ju­ly 1989). Edi­ted by J. Coates and M. J. Taylor. Lon­don Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety Lec­ture Note Series 153. Cam­bridge Uni­versity Press, 1991. MR 1110395 Zbl 0743.​14021 incollection

B. H. Gross and S. S. Kudla: “Heights and the cent­ral crit­ic­al val­ues of triple product L-func­tions,” Com­pos. Math. 81 : 2 (1992), pp. 143–​209. MR 1145805 Zbl 0807.​11027 article