Celebratio Mathematica

Wolfgang Haken

Wolfgang Haken: A biographical sketch

Works connected to Kenneth Ira Appel

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K. Ap­pel and W. Haken: “Every planar map is four col­or­able,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 82 : 5 (September 1976), pp. 711–​712. MR 424602 Zbl 0331.​05106 article

K. Ap­pel and W. Haken: “Every planar map is four col­or­able, I: Dis­char­ging,” Ill. J. Math. 21 : 3 (1977), pp. 429–​490. A mi­crofiche sup­ple­ment to both parts was pub­lished in Ill. J. Math. 21:3 (1977). MR 543792 Zbl 0387.​05009 article

K. Ap­pel, W. Haken, and J. Koch: “Every planar map is four col­or­able, II: Re­du­cib­il­ity,” Ill. J. Math. 21 : 3 (1977), pp. 491–​567. A mi­crofiche sup­ple­ment to both parts was pub­lished in Ill. J. Math. 21:3 (1977). MR 543793 Zbl 0387.​05010 article

K. Ap­pel and W. Haken: “The class check lists cor­res­pond­ing to the sup­ple­ment to ‘Every planar map is four col­or­able. Part I and Part II’,” Ill. J. Math. 21 : 3 (1977), pp. C1–​C210. Mi­crofiche sup­ple­ment. Ex­tra ma­ter­i­al to ac­com­pany the sup­ple­ment pub­lished in Ill. J. Math. 21:3 (1977). MR 543794 article

K. Ap­pel and W. Haken: “Mi­crofiche sup­ple­ment to ‘Every planar map is four col­or­able. Part I and Part II’,” Ill. J. Math. 21 : 3 (1977), pp. 1–​251. Mi­crofiche sup­ple­ment. Sup­ple­ment to the two part art­icle pub­lished as Ill. J. Math. 21:3 (1977) and Ill. J. Math. 21:3 (1977). A class check list was also pub­lished as Ill. J. Math. 21:3 (1977). MR 543795 article

K. Ap­pel and W. Haken: Every planar map is four col­or­able. Con­tem­por­ary Math­em­at­ics 98. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 1989. With the col­lab­or­a­tion of J. Koch. MR 1025335 Zbl 0681.​05027 book