Celebratio Mathematica

Vaughan F. R. Jones

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Works connected to Michael F. Atiyah

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J. S. Birman: “The work of Vaughan F. R. Jones,” pp. 435–​445 in Fields Medal­lists’ lec­tures. Edi­ted by M. F. Atiyah and D. Iag­ol­nitzer. World Sci­entif­ic Series in 20th Cen­tury Math­em­at­ics 5. World Sci­entif­ic (River Edge, NJ), 1997. Re­prin­ted from Pro­ceed­ings of the In­ter­na­tion­al Con­gress of Math­em­aticians (1991). MR 1622915 incollection

V. F. R. Jones: “A poly­no­mi­al in­vari­ant for knots via von Neu­mann al­geb­ras,” pp. 448–​458 in Fields Medal­lists’ lec­tures. Edi­ted by M. Atiyah and D. Iag­ol­nitzer. World Sci­entif­ic Series in 20th Cen­tury Math­em­at­ics 5. World Sci­entif­ic (River Edge, NJ), 1997. Lec­ture based on an art­icle pub­lished in Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 12:1 (1985). MR 1622916 incollection

V. F. R. Jones: “In­dex for sub­factors,” pp. 459–​486 in Fields Medal­lists’ lec­tures. Edi­ted by M. Atiyah and D. Iag­ol­nitzer. World Sci­entif­ic Series in 20th Cen­tury Math­em­at­ics 5. World Sci­entif­ic (River Edge, NJ), 1997. This lec­ture was based on an art­icle pub­lished in In­vent. Math. 72:1 (1983). MR 1622917 incollection

V. F. R. Jones: “Ten prob­lems,” pp. 79–​91 in Math­em­at­ics: Fron­ti­ers and per­spect­ives. Edi­ted by V. Arnold, M. Atiyah, P. Lax, and B. Mazur. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 2000. MR 1754769 Zbl 0969.​57001 incollection