Celebratio Mathematica

Robion C. Kirby

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Works connected to Peter Teichner

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R. Kirby, P. Melvin, and P. Teich­ner: “Co­homo­topy sets of 4-man­i­folds,” pp. 161–​190 in Pro­ceed­ings of the Freed­man Fest (Santa Bar­bara, CA, 15–17 April 2011 and Berke­ley, CA, 6–10 June 2011). Edi­ted by R. Kirby, V. Krushkal, and Z. Wang. Geo­metry & To­po­logy Mono­graphs 18. Geo­metry & To­po­logy Pub­lic­a­tions (Cov­entry, UK), 2012. MR 3084237 Zbl 1273.​57012 ArXiv 1203.​1608 incollection