Celebratio Mathematica

James M. Kister

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J. Kister, P. Stein, S. Ulam, W. Walden, and M. Wells: “Ex­per­i­ments in chess,” Jour. As­soc. Com­put­ing Ma­chinery 4 (1957), pp. 174–​177. article

J. Kister: “Small iso­top­ies in Eu­c­lidean spaces and 3-man­i­folds,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 65 : 6 (1959), pp. 371–​373. MR 107232 Zbl 0089.​39502 article

J. M. Kister: Iso­top­ies in man­i­folds. Ph.D. thesis, Uni­versity of Wis­con­sin, Madis­on, 1959. Ad­vised by R. H. Bing. MR 2612903 phdthesis

J. M. Kister: “Iso­top­ies in 3-man­i­folds,” Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 97 : 2 (November 1960), pp. 213–​224. MR 120628 Zbl 0096.​37906 article

J. M. Kister: “Ex­amples of peri­od­ic maps on Eu­c­lidean spaces without fixed points,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 67 : 5 (1961), pp. 471–​474. MR 130929 Zbl 0101.​15602 article

J. M. Kister and L. N. Mann: “Iso­tropy struc­ture of com­pact Lie groups on com­plexes,” Mich. Math. J. 9 : 1 (1962), pp. 93–​96. MR 132120 Zbl 0111.​35702 article

J. M. Kister: “Uni­form con­tinu­ity and com­pact­ness in to­po­lo­gic­al groups,” Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 13 : 1 (1962), pp. 37–​40. MR 133392 Zbl 0103.​01604 article

J. M. Kister: “A the­or­em on in­fin­ite reg­u­lar neigh­bor­hoods and an ap­plic­a­tion to peri­od­ic maps on En,” pp. 221–​222 in To­po­logy of 3-man­i­folds and re­lated top­ics (Athens, GA, 14 Au­gust–8 Septem­ber 1961). Edi­ted by M. K. Fort. Pren­tice-Hall (Engle­wood Cliffs, NJ), 1962. MR 140105 Zbl 1246.​57067 incollection

J. M. Kister: “Ques­tions on iso­top­ies in man­i­folds,” pp. 229–​230 in To­po­logy of 3-man­i­folds and re­lated top­ics (Athens, GA, 14 Au­gust–8 Septem­ber 1961). Edi­ted by M. K. Fort. Pren­tice-Hall (Engle­wood Cliffs, NJ), 1962. MR 140106 Zbl 1246.​57065 incollection

J. M. Kister and L. N. Mann: “Equivari­ant im­bed­dings of com­pact abeli­an Lie groups of trans­form­a­tions,” Math. Ann. 148 : 2 (April 1962), pp. 89–​93. MR 141727 Zbl 0209.​44104 article

J. M. Kister and D. R. Mc­Mil­lan, Jr.: “Loc­ally eu­c­lidean factors of E4 which can­not be im­bed­ded in E3,” Ann. Math. (2) 76 : 3 (November 1962), pp. 541–​546. MR 144322 Zbl 0115.​40703 article

J. M. Kister: “Dif­fer­en­ti­able peri­od­ic ac­tions on E8 without fixed points,” Am. J. Math. 85 : 2 (April 1963), pp. 316–​319. MR 154278 Zbl 0119.​18801 article

J. M. Kister: “Mi­crobundles are fibre bundles,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 69 : 6 (1963), pp. 854–​857. An ex­pan­ded ver­sion of this was pub­lished in Ann. Math. 80:1 (1964). MR 156359 Zbl 0117.​16701 article

R. H. Bing and J. M. Kister: “Tam­ing com­plexes in hy­per­planes,” Duke Math. J. 31 : 3 (1964), pp. 491–​511. MR 0164329 Zbl 0124.​16701 article

J. M. Kister: “Mi­crobundles are fibre bundles,” Ann. of Math. (2) 80 (1964), pp. 190–​199. MR 0180986 Zbl 0131.​20602 article

J. M. Kister: “In­verses of Eu­c­lidean bundles,” Mich. Math. J. 14 : 3 (1967), pp. 349–​352. To Ray­mond L. Wilder on his sev­en­ti­eth birth­day. MR 212830 Zbl 0149.​40903 article

J. M. Kister: “Ho­mo­topy types of ANR’s,” Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 19 : 1 (February 1968), pp. 195. MR 219031 Zbl 0161.​42602 article

J. Chee­ger and J. M. Kister: “Count­ing to­po­lo­gic­al man­i­folds,” To­po­logy 9 : 2 (May 1970), pp. 149–​151. MR 256399 Zbl 0199.​58403 article

M. Brown and J. M. Kister: “In­vari­ance of com­ple­ment­ary do­mains of a fixed point set,” Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 91 : 3 (1984), pp. 503–​504. MR 744656 Zbl 0547.​57010

A. Blass and J. M. Kister: “Free sub­groups of the homeo­morph­ism group of the reals,” pp. 243–​252 in Spe­cial volume in hon­or of R. H. Bing (1914–1986) (San Mar­cos, TX, Novem­ber 1984), published as To­po­logy Ap­pl. 24 : 1–​3. Issue edi­ted by S. Singh and T. L. Thick­stun. El­sevi­er (Am­s­ter­dam), December 1986. MR 872496 Zbl 0604.​57015 incollection