by Steven Hurder and Ana Rechtman
1. Birth of a method
In August 1993, Krystyna Kuperberg wrote out a
three-page sketch of a
construction of what she thought would be a
The announcement of Krystyna’s work caused a sensation. William Thurston lectured on her construction at the MSRI, Berkeley in September, and observed that the construction could be realized as a real-analytic aperiodic flow. Krystyna mailed around 60 copies of the manuscript to mathematicians around the world. Then in October, she gave a plenary lecture on her work at the conference in honor of Morris Hirsch in Berkeley, California. Elsewhere, a seminar was held in Tokyo in November, as part of the International Symposium/Workshop: Geometric Study of Foliations. The participants in this informal seminar included, among many others, Shigenori Matsumoto, Étienne Ghys, Paul Schweitzer, and the first author.
The manuscript by Kuperberg was published almost immediately in the Annals of Mathematics [4]. Moreover, soon afterwards, Ghys presented Kuperberg’s work in a Séminaire Bourbaki [e16] in June 1994. Matsumoto wrote a report in Japanese [e17], also in 1994, which provided more results about the dynamical properties of these “Kuperberg flows”, with detailed proofs of their properties. The joint paper by Greg and Krystyna [5] contained many new ideas and variations on the basic construction. The brief note [7] gives an overview of Krystyna’s work on aperiodic flows. Finally, Krystyna Kuperberg [6] gave a report to the International Congress of Mathematicians in 1998.
Krystyna commented on her work, “Once you see the construction, you see it.” In addition, her original sketches of the construction, involving a thickened annulus with “rabbit ears”, were replaced in the published version by the now very familiar images drawn by her husband, Włodzimierz (Włodek), which conveyed a strong intuitive feel for the construction.
Krystyna Kuperberg was a student of Karol Borsuk in Warsaw, and many of her works correspondingly use a strong geometric approach to analyzing problems in dynamical systems, and this is more than true for her construction of the Seifert counterexamples.
The goals of this essay are to discuss the antecedents to the Kuperberg construction and give some inkling of the ideas that led Krystyna to her construction. In addition, we speculate on extensions of the construction and its future, especially in the context of other aspects of the theory of smooth dynamical systems. First, in Section 2 we recall the radical idea that made the Kuperberg construction possible, as it was a break from the past approaches to constructing counterexamples in a crucial manner. Section 3 gives a concise overview of known results about the Kuperberg flow. We then discuss in Section 4 questions about alternate flow dynamics for nongeneric constructions of Kuperberg flows. Section 5 discusses related results for flows that preserve some additional geometric structure.
2. Shape of plugs
In his 1950 work
introduced an invariant
for deformations of nonsingular
flows with a closed orbit on a 3-manifold, which he used to show that
every sufficiently small deformation of the Hopf flow on the 3-sphere
It is unknown if every continuous (nonsingular) vector field on the 3-dimensional sphere contains a closed integral curve.
This remark became the basis for what is known as the “Seifert conjecture”:
Every nonsingular vector field on the 3-sphere
has a periodic orbit.
There must exist at least one minimal set for a flow on a compact manifold — a closed invariant subset which is minimal for this property. A periodic orbit is a minimal set, but if there are no periodic orbits for a flow, then a minimal set for the flow will have a possibly far more complicated topology. So one can ask if there are restrictions on the shape of a minimal set for an aperiodic flow. Karol Borsuk defined the shape of a topological space as an inverse limit continuum defined by a sequence of ANR approximations of the space [e4], [e6], [e13], [e22]. For an aperiodic flow on a 3-manifold, it seems that the minimal set must have a complicated shape, though just how complicated is an open question.
Kuperberg’s strategy for the construction of an aperiodic flow was not based on the choice of an invariant minimal set with prescribed shape, but was instead to create a dynamical framework which avoided the implications of the Brouwer fixed-point theorem. We explain this remark in the following discussions.
The first general approach to the Seifert conjecture was made in the 1966
paper by
Wesley Wilson
where he showed that every closed

A Wilson plug for a flow on the 3-manifold
A plug can be inserted into any nonsingular flow on a manifold, not just once but any finite number of times as needed to modify a given nonsingular flow. Wilson showed that any flow can be modified using finitely many plugs to obtain a flow with only isolated periodic orbits. It is an observation in [e9] that by appropriately arranging the insertion of Wilson plugs, one can obtain a flow with exactly two periodic orbits.

Subsequently, in the early 1970’s, Paul Schweitzer had the inspired idea to construct a modified Wilson-type plug, but instead of the top and bottom boundaries of the plug being annuli, they were diffeomorphic to a 2-torus with an open disk removed, as illustrated in Figure 2. The paradigm shift of a Schweitzer plug is that the faces of the plug are immersed in the transverse space, but still transverse to the flow. Using a plug with this shape, the second key point was to double the construction using a mirror symmetry as with the Wilson plug, so that the flow in the plug has two Denjoy-type minimal sets, instead of two circles.
A Denjoy minimal set, as introduced by
has the
shape of a wedge of two circles. The Schweitzer plug has the celebrated
“double doughnut” shape as seen in Figure 2.
This plug can then be inserted into flows on 3-manifolds to create new flows
which have all minimal sets of Denjoy type. In particular, using this plug
one can construct flows with no periodic orbits. Thus, Schweitzer showed
that every 3-manifold carries a
Mike Handel
showed in his 1980 paper in the Annals of Mathematics
a result which severely limits the shape of a minimal
set for a smooth aperiodic flow — it cannot be embedded as the minimal
set for a flow on a surface. Thus, a flow with a Denjoy-type minimal
set carried by a smooth surface cannot be
Jenny Harrison
showed in
that the Schweitzer
plug could be modified to obtain an aperiodic plug with a
Meanwhile, in 1979, the Kuperbergs were attending the Scottish Book Conference in Denton, Texas, organized by Dan Mauldin [e31]. At this conference, Stanislav Ulam told Krystyna and Włodek about an unsolved problem, posed by Ulam:
[e31], Problem 110: Let
be a manifold. Does there exist a numerical constant such that every continuous mapping which satisfies the condition for must possess a fixed point ?
The mathematician/inventor Coke Reed was a colleague of Ulam at Los Alamos and later a colleague of Krystyna at Auburn University. Kuperberg and Reed discussed this problem and subsequently solved it. They gave counterexamples to the assertion in Problem 110, as published in the 1981 work [1]. The methods they developed are analogous to the methods introduced by Wilson in [e3]. Kuperberg and Reed improved their result in the 1989 paper [2] via an application of the Schweitzer plug. An analysis of the solutions to the Ulam problem 110 were recalled and analyzed in the paper [3] by K. Kuperberg, W. Kuperberg, P. Minc and C. Reed. There is a connection between the solutions of the Ulam problem and the construction of counterexamples to the Seifert conjecture in that the plug technique can be applied to construct counterexamples to both, as remarked in the joint work of Greg and Krystyna [5], Theorem 8.
Following the successful solution to the Ulam problem, Kuperberg began to consider what was required to construct a smooth plug without periodic points for the flow. As she remarked (personal communication, November 15, 2021), the problem was always the Brouwer fixed-point theorem: any map of a (transverse) disk to itself must have a fixed point, and so a corresponding suspension flow will have a periodic orbit. Thus, to build a flow in a plug without periodic orbits, the transverse holonomy for the flow must be a translation on an infinite line or region.
The inspired geometric observation is that such a translation is already available in the Wilson plug, as the flow on the Reeb cylinder, as pictured in Figure 3.

The flow of a point below the orbit
With this point of view, one can then ask how to get the flow of the periodic
orbit to “break open” and “start climbing the holonomy staircase”. That
is, break open the periodic orbit using its own holonomy!
The solution is the second inspired idea behind Kuperberg’s construction,
to insert the flow on the Wilson cylinder into itself, so that the orbit
The essence of the novel strategy behind the aperiodic property of the
We therefore must demolish the two closed orbits in the Wilson plug beforehand. But producing a new plug will take us back to the starting line. The idea of Kuperberg is to let closed orbits demolish themselves. We set up a trap within enemy lines and watch them settle their dispute while we take no active part.
The reader is exhorted to read the proof that these flows are aperiodic in [4], or in the reports by Ghys [e16] or Matsumoto [e17], as the elegance of Kuperberg’s idea is revealed in the simplicity of this proof.

Note that there are many choices of the vector field that can be made for the flow in a Wilson plug. What is essential for Kuperberg’s construction is that there are the two closed orbits which attract/repel a set of orbits entering or leaving a face of the plug.
A Kuperberg plug can also be constructed for which its

The construction of smooth aperiodic flows on compact manifolds using the Kuperberg method produces orbits that never close up, so they wander around a compact region of a plug that has been inserted. There is much that can be said about the dynamical properties of these flows, deduced from the way the flows in the plugs are constructed. These are the known knowns about Kuperberg flows, as discussed in Section 3.
There are also many known unknowns about Kuperberg flows, which generate interesting open questions about the dynamics of the Kuperberg flows, as discussed in Section 4. There are also the unknown unknowns, which are speculations of dynamical phenomena yet to be discovered for this class of smooth flows.
3. Aperiodic flow dynamics
Ghys observed in [e16] that a Kuperberg flow has zero topological entropy. This follows from the remark that for a smooth flow on a compact 3-manifold, Katok’s results in [e11] imply that if a smooth flow has positive entropy, then it must have periodic orbits. Thus, aperiodic flows belong to a class of smooth dynamical systems which might be considered “less than chaotic”, or more precisely “at worst, slowly chaotic”.
The flow in the Wilson plug in Figure 1 has two periodic
orbits, labeled
Another highly nonobvious result due to
Proposition 7.2,
(see also the discussion in
Section 8)
is that there is an open set of points in the
entrance of a Kuperberg plug whose forward orbits limit on the minimal set
Greg Kuperberg
showed in Theorem 1 of
that on every closed 3-manifold there is a volume-preserving
The final general remark about the geometry of the Kuperberg flows is more
complicated to explain but has profound consequences for their dynamics.
The Reeb cylinder is an annular region bounded by the two periodic
orbits for the Wilson flow, as pictured on the right side of
Figure 1.
The process of doing flow surgery as illustrated in Figure 5
cuts two “notches” out of the cylinder. This is the region labeled

The Kuperberg flow in the Wilson cylinder preserves the region
The complete flow of the notched Reeb cylinder
is a surface with
boundary embedded in the Kuperberg plug. Figure 7
gives three illustrations of this central object for Kuperberg
flows, which
called a “chou-fleur” in his communication
This was illustrated by
as a “fractal-like
cluster” in
as pictured
in the lower left side of Figure 7. In the monograph
the authors called the surface as laid out on the plane, a “propeller” , which
is approximately illustrated by the thickened 2-dimensional, tree-like
structure on the right side of Figure 7, but again not
to scale (all the branches have approximately the same width). We call
this infinite surface

The basic observation is that the boundary of
The Kuperberg flow preserves the embedded infinite surface
The closure
We describe the technical setting for comparing

The graph on the right side of Figure 8 is called the radius function (actually, what is illustrated is the inverse of this function) and the quadratic shape of the graph is the basis for showing that the Kuperberg flow is aperiodic. Understanding these remarks takes some effort and is explained in the papers [4], [e16], [e17], [e33], but reveals the great beauty of the Kuperberg construction.
The authors introduced the notion of a generic Kuperberg flow in the
which formulates a collection of optimal conditions
on the choices for the construction of the flow. One of these conditions
is that the radius function for the insertion is actually
as pictured on the right side of Figure 8.
showed in
that for a generic Kuperberg flow, there is
4. Nongeneric flows
Ghys wrote in his 1995 survey [e16], page 302:
Par ailleurs, on peut construire beaucoup de pièges de Kuperberg et il n’est pas clair qu’ils aient la même dynamique.
In this section, we discuss some ways in which the dynamical properties
of an aperiodic smooth Kuperberg plug vary with the choices made
in its construction. The properties considered include the shape
and the Hausdorff dimension of the minimal set
The construction of a Kuperberg flow begins with the choice of a flow
The flow of the Kuperberg plug that results from the insertion process
consists of orbit segments of the gradient-like flow
This patching of flow segments
occurs orbitwise, so if there is
to be any hope of organizing this process in a unified description for
the entire flow on the plug, one needs to impose assumptions on the flow
The second step in the construction of a Kuperberg flow is to make a choice for each of the two insertion maps, as pictured in Figures 5 and 8. In this step, the embedding of the Reeb cylinder makes a transverse contact at the periodic orbit, either the bottom or the top orbit, so as to break open these closed orbits. The result is that the special orbits which result by breaking open the closed orbits intersect the vertex of the parabola pictured on the right side of Figure 8. They return infinitely often to a neighborhood of the vertex of the parabola as a result of the translation holonomy of the flow. Hence, the germinal shape at its vertex of the parabolic map has a strong influence on the dynamics of the special orbit, and so on the dynamics of the entire flow.
A basic question is, when does the minimal set satisfy
The authors began our investigations of the shape of the minimal set in the Kuperberg flows in 2010, and for several years after that every time we met Krystyna we had to admit we couldn’t answer one of the mysteries of the Kuperberg construction:
This is the conclusion for the examples by Ghys in
and in the joint paper
but the situation in general was not known.
In order to answer Krystyna’s question, we introduced the notion of a
“generic Kuperberg flow” in
which assumes that the flow
satisfies the conditions of
Hypotheses 12.2 and 17.2 formulated in that work.
Hypothesis 12.2 assumes in particular that the vertical component of
the vector field
The equality
Theorem 19 in
gives the construction of aperiodic PL
plugs for which
We next consider another dynamical aspect of Kuperberg flows, their entropy and the Hausdorff dimension of their minimal sets. While Ghys observed in [e16] that an aperiodic flow must have entropy equal to zero using a well-known deep result of Katok [e11], the dynamical behavior of the flow appears to be chaotic upon closer inspection.
The geometry of the propeller as pictured in Figure 7
suggests that the flow in the minimal set
The notion of slow entropy was introduced by Katok and
The exponent
For a Kuperberg flow, one can also ask about the Hausdorff dimension of
the lamination
The dimension of
We should also mention a question that belongs to the class of unknown-unknown problems.
Another remarkable fact about the Kuperberg flows, is that they lie at the
“boundary of chaos” in the
In such a family, the period of the periodic orbits must blow up at the limit. Palis and Pugh in [e8] asked whether this dynamical phenomenon can occur in families of smooth flows on closed manifolds, and called a closed orbit whose length “blows up” to infinity under deformation a “blue sky catastrophe”. The first examples of a family of flows with this property was found by Medvedev in [e12]. The constructions in [e37] show that deformations of Kuperberg flows provide a new class of examples. The work of A. Shilnikov, L. Shilnikov and D. Turaev in [e25] further discusses blue sky catastrophe phenomenon.
On the other hand, when making the insertion as in Figure 8, one can take the insertion “too far”. That is, the two cylinders intersect not along one arc but along two arcs. We showed in [e37] that the flow for these over-extended insertions has countably many embedded horseshoes, so an abundance of hyperbolic behavior. Moreover, as the insertion maps are deformed to one that just makes contact at a single point, then these horseshoes increase in number. The dynamics of the generic Kuperberg flow is thus the limit of the dynamical chaos in a continuous family of horseshoes for neighboring smooth flows.
The immediate conclusion is that the Kuperberg flows are not stable in
The recitation of remarkable properties of the class of flows created by Kuperberg could continue, as they are zero-entropy dynamical systems, which are simply not boring [e36]! Instead, we want to also discuss a variety of other constructions and results following from Seifert’s conjecture and the questions they engender.
5. Decorated flows
As explained by Ghys [e16], the construction of nonsingular aperiodic flows is particularly complicated in dimension 3. The Seifert conjecture, which is false in full generality, can be decorated with invariant structures: we can ask, if the flow preserves something, then must it have a periodic orbit? On one hand, there are families of nonsingular flows that always have periodic orbits; on the other hand we have the examples discussed previously in this text. Here we discuss this broader subject of flows on closed 3-manifolds, and we review some results on the existence of periodic orbits. We do not intend to make an exhaustive list.
Let us start with the class of Reeb vector fields associated to a contact
form. It has been shown by
that the flow
of a Reeb vector field on
A Reeb vector field always preserves a volume form. A big open question in
the subject is whether a
In the case of Reeb flows, Alves and Pirnapasov [e40] proved recently the existence of some knots such that if a Reeb flow has a periodic orbit realizing the knot then it has positive entropy. In particular, by the already-mentioned theorem of Katok [e11], such Reeb flows have lots of periodic orbits. It is an observation that such a result cannot hold for categories of flows for which we can construct plugs. Using a suitable Wilson plug one can prove the following:
The existence of periodic orbits was extended to geodesible volume-preserving flows (also known as Reeb vector fields of stable Hamiltonian structures) on manifolds that are not torus bundles over the circle by Hutchings and Taubes [e28], [e29] and Rechtman [e30], and for real-analytic geodesible flows by Rechtman [e30]. The existence of a periodic orbit was also established for real-analytic solutions of the Euler equation by Etnyre and Ghrist [e23]. Geodesible volume-preserving flows are solutions to the Euler equation, but we do not know if the last ones have periodic orbits. We do know that it is impossible to construct plugs whose flow satisfies the Euler equation [e41].
Steven Hurder received his PhD in mathematics from the University of Illinois in 1980. He was a Member of the Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton from 1980–81, an Instructor at Princeton University from 1981–83, and a faculty member of the University of Illinois at Chicago from 1983–2012, Professor Emeritus since 2012. He was an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation fellow from 1985–1987, and an inaugural Fellow of the American Mathematical Society in 2012. His research interests are concentrated on the interactions of dynamics, topology and geometry.
Ana Rechtman is a Mexican mathematician working at the Strasbourg University. She did her PhD in Mathematics at the École Normale Supérieure in de Lyon under the supervision of Étienne Ghys. She was Boas Assistant Professor at Northwestern University (2010–11). She was a faculty member at National University of Mexico from 2016–18, from 2011–16 and since 2018 she has been at Strasbourg University. Her research is on the dynamics and the topology of flows.