by Rob Kirby
This biography is based on an interview with Krystyna Kuperberg on February 19, 2020. Quoted words are Krystyna Kuperberg’s own unless otherwise noted.
1. Life
Krystyna was born on 17 July, 1944 in Tarnów in southern Poland. Her parents were Jan Trybulec and Barbara Kurlus. They were both pharmacists and owned a pharmacy in Szczucin, a small town near Tarnów. Both had master’s degrees in pharmaceutical science. They met as residents in a pharmacy in the city of Bytom in Upper Silesia, which among other things provided emergency supplies during coal mining accidents in the many mines in the area.
Krystyna’s paternal grandfather had a shoe repair shop and her paternal grandmother had a dairy farm. “My mother’s father was Walenty Kurlus. They lived near Poznań and had a country store, like the stores in old Western movies, selling grain and food and some machinery.”
Krystyna had a brother, the late Andrzej Trybulec, who was three and a half years older. He was admitted to the Medical University in Gdańsk, but his medical career ended early after he went on a school-sponsored trip to a conference in Warsaw on cybernetics. There he met Stanisław Lem, the science fiction writer, and he became interested in artificial intelligence. Andrzej majored in philosophy because that department allowed him to study AI. He took a mathematics minor, which he liked even more, so he continued to graduate school in mathematics at the University of Warsaw. Andrzej obtained a Ph.D. in topology under Karol Borsuk. After obtaining his Ph.D., Andrzej obtained faculty positions in Poland and did research in computerized formalization of mathematics; he invented a proof assistant system called Mizar.
Krystyna herself was drawn to mathematics from a young age. “I was interested in math as far back as I can remember. When I was around seven or eight, I would sometimes help my mother with the pharmacy bookkeeping. My job was to tally the daily receipts, adding columns of about 30 entries by hand. Much later, I learned that this was just to keep me busy; but to my mother’s surprise, she could use my work as a backup, to check her own calculations.”
“A few times, a teacher would take me from my second-grade classroom to an upper grade only to solve a problem on the board, to embarrass the other students: ‘You could not solve a problem that this little kid can!’ ”
“We had grades one through seven, and then four years of high school. We did not have calculus in high school, but we did have logic and truth tables in tenth grade, and three-dimensional geometry (which I absolutely enjoyed) in eighth grade. Related to this was a drawing class in fifth grade, teaching perspective drawing. I look at this as my first serious geometry experience.”
Krystyna went to a boarding school in Tarnów for eighth grade and then the family moved north and she finished high school in Gdańsk in 1962. She then applied to the University of Warsaw. There were entrance exams in mathematics and physics, and an unserious Russian language exam that everyone passed. Instead of a bachelor’s degree as in the United States, the University of Warsaw offered a five-year master’s degree, which Krystyna finished in four years.
In her second semester at Warsaw, 1962–63, Krystyna attended an advanced class taught by Borsuk, where she met Włodzimierz (Włodek) Kuperberg, who was three years further along. “Borsuk was defining simplicial homology, carefully defining everything precisely without going too fast. He was very calm and careful with the details. Undergraduate students interested in topology were welcome to Borsuk’s seminar at Warsaw University. At the beginning of the seminar, he assigned students to give presentations later, often presentations on papers. If anyone solved an open problem, they had priority. He would propose twenty or thirty problems in shape theory or retracts, which were topics on his mind at the time, and some were very easy and some very difficult. If no one solved a problem, then we would go through papers. He gave me a paper of Stephen Smale [e3] on a Vietoris theorem for homotopy (not Čech homotopy which I studied later), so that was the first research paper that I read.”
“I married Włodek in 1964, obtained my MS degree in 1966, and started my Ph.D. with Borsuk.” From 1966 to 1969, Krystyna taught courses in a position similar to an American TAship.
Krystyna and Włodek’s son Greg was born in 1967. Their daughter Anna was born in September 1969, just after the family emigrated to Sweden in August. “We were kicked out!” In 1968, the government in Poland began a campaign to pressure Jews to leave Poland on the pretext that their real loyalty was to Israel. If they emigrated, as most of the remaining Polish Jews did, their Polish citizenship was also revoked. Włodek is of Jewish descent, although his parents and siblings were all secular and lived as assimilated Poles. His family had survived World War II by fleeing east to the Soviet Union, where he was born in 1941; they returned to Poland soon after the war. During the later anti-Jewish campaign, Włodek’s parents and all of their children and grandchildren left Poland permanently. Krystyna and Włodek changed their life plans fairly quickly, toward the end of the emigration window. They considered that they might later face others forms of persecution and be unable to leave Poland. They arranged to go to Sweden, which was one of the countries that accepted Polish Jews in their situation. Włodek had his Ph.D. by then, and began teaching at Stockholm University in January 1970. Krystyna re-enrolled in graduate school at Stockholm University with her own teaching duties, again similar to those of a TAship.
Three years later in 1972, Włodek was invited by Andrew Lelek (who had been a student of Bronisław Knaster at Wroclaw) to the spring topology conference in Houston. This led to a visiting position for a year for Włodek at the University of Houston. Meanwhile, Krystyna had mostly finished a Ph.D. thesis, but the final degree requirements were complicated. She was interested in geometric topology and the University of Houston was not the best fit. She visited Rice University, where she met with Morton Curtis, who was interested in her work on Vietoris-type theorems in shape theory. Curtis said to talk to John Hempel, who was in charge of graduate students. Since Krystyna had letters from Borsuk and Stanisław Mazur, the director of the Math Institute at Warsaw University, and two published papers, she was admitted on the spot with a tuition waiver.
William Jaco became Krystyna’s thesis adviser at Rice, partly due to her budding interest in 3-manifolds, and she obtained her Ph.D. from Rice after two years. Krystyna and Włodek then sought university positions in mathematics, but they faced the bad job academic market in the United States of the 1970s. Auburn University in Alabama offered a solution to their two-body problem; they arrived in Auburn as new faculty members in 1974. At first, their teaching load was quite heavy: three courses per quarter, including courses that met five hours a week. But within several years, the teaching load at Auburn lessened.
When Krystyna and Włodek arrived at Auburn in 1974, the mathematics department had a close-knit social circle with many house parties and other social events. Many of the children of the math faculty also became close friends. A memorable party was held to celebrate their naturalization as American citizens in 1979.
While Krystyna and Włodek both started out in general topology in the Borsuk school, Włodek turned his attention to convex geometry in his later career at Auburn. Many of his later papers were with Krystyna and Włodek’s friend and Auburn colleague, Andras Bezdek.
Krystyna and Włodek stayed at Auburn University until their retirement in 2020 after 46 years of service. They decided to retire in December 2019; the pandemic that came the next year made their decision fortuitous.
2. Counterexamples
Many (but not all) of Krystyna’s main results in mathematics are counterexamples. She has found counterexamples in several areas of mathematics, all within geometry and topology taken broadly.
In her Ph.D. work, Krystyna established Vietoris-type mapping theorems for Vietoris-Čech homology in the context of Borsuk shape theory [2], [15]. She also found an interesting counterexample, that the Hurewicz isomorphism theorem is not stable under inverse limits; as a corollary, the Hurewicz map is not an isomorphism in shape theory [3]. She had some earlier positive results along the same lines [1].
In 1980, Krystyna with Coke Reed constructed a fixed-point-free smooth
flow in
Krystyna and Coke later refined their solution using the “Schweitzer
plug”, from Schweitzer’s
Krystyna answered a question of Knaster by constructing a Peano continuum
(a compact, connected, locally connected, metrizable space) which is
topologically homogeneous (the group of homeomorphisms is transitive),
but not bihomogeneous (there are pairs of points that cannot be swapped
by a homeomorphism)
The example is locally the
Cartesian product of a manifold and the square of a Menger sponge
Krystyna found a packing of infinite round cylinders in
Answering a question of
Mike Freedman,
Krystyna constructed a finite set
of points on the surface of a round ball in
3. The Seifert conjecture
Krystyna’s most famous counterexample is a smooth counterexample to the
Seifert conjecture. In 1950,
Herbert Seifert
whether every continuous vector field on
Without a contact structure assumption, the Seifert conjecture admits
counterexamples. Two decades after Seifert’s paper,
Paul Schweitzer
the first counterexample
with the proviso that
his flow is only
The key construction behind all known counterexamples to any version of
either the Seifert conjecture or Ulam’s problem is a special flow in a
Any plug must have at least one compact minimal set of orbits that are trapped for all times. In the original Wilson plug, the minimal sets consist of two circles. Schweitzer replaced these two circles with two Denjoy laminations, which is what limits the differentiability of his plug. Krystyna instead inserted a Wilson plug partly into itself so that it breaks its own orbits. She showed that if this is done in the right way, then no new periodic orbits are created. Instead, the self-insertion creates a new type of minimal set whose topology and dynamics has since been studied [e15], [11].
I first heard of Krystyna’s dramatic counterexample when I got an email from
her son Greg which simply said: “My mom has a
Soon after,
Bill Thurston,
who was then director of MSRI, gave a
lecture to a fascinated audience about this striking result, where he
observed that it should also be real analytic. Like the Wilson plug
before it, all of the explicit data in Krystyna’s plug is real analytic.
However, it is surprising that one can insert any nontrivial plug into
another flow in the real analytic category; this issue also arises in
Krystyna’s self-insertion. Thurston’s point was that these cut-and-paste
constructions can be made real analytic using the Morrey–Grauert theorem.
The real analytic counterexample is in her joint paper with her son, Greg
Besides the real analytic form, this paper also
describes a piecewise-linear form of her plug and counterexample on
Krystyna’s result later led to other honors such as a Bourbaki seminar [e11] and an ICM lecture [12].
4. Other results
Not all of Krystyna’s major works are counterexamples. One theorem
in particular is related to the Cartwright–Littlewood theorem. The
Cartwright–Littlewood theorem says that if
Several of Krystyna’s papers, in both topology and in Euclidean geometry, are with her husband Włodek. She also has a joint paper with her son Greg, and all three have a joint paper on the topic of completely saturated packings. Finally, in another kind of mathematical legacy, Krystyna’s granddaughter Vivian is also a research mathematician, working mainly in analytic number theory.