
Celebratio Mathematica

Thomas Milton Liggett

Tim Liggett on Tom Liggett

In this video, Tim Lig­gett, Tom Lig­gett’s son, is shown de­liv­er­ing the speech he gave in March 2019 at UCLA’s In­sti­tute for Pure and Ap­plied Math­em­at­ics (IPAM). The oc­ca­sion was the din­ner cel­eb­rat­ing “In­ter­act­ing Particle Sys­tems, Stat­ist­ic­al Mech­an­ics and Re­lated Top­ics: A Con­fer­ence Hon­or­ing the Con­tri­bu­tions of Thomas M. Lig­gett”. Tom had in­ten­ded to be present at IPAM throughout the con­fer­ence. He was side­lined by a case of pneu­mo­nia, however, and was ob­liged to hold court with his many friends at the Santa Mon­ica Hos­pit­al in­stead. Tom’s en­tire fam­ily, in­clud­ing his wife Chris, his grown chil­dren, Tim and Amy, and their fam­il­ies, all at­ten­ded the din­ner in his ab­sence. Tim’s hu­mor­ous ac­count of grow­ing up in the Lig­gett house­hold was one of the main speeches giv­en in Tom’s hon­or that even­ing. (Video cour­tesy of Dar­ren Jones; ed­ited by Tim Lig­gett.)